Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Orlov Alexander Ivanovich

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Bauman Moscow State Technical University

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Articles count: 155

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abstract 1121508003 issue 112 pp. 52 – 77 30.10.2015 ru 990
The basic ideas of the developed by us solidary information economy are analyzed (the original name - the nonformal informational economy of the future). Its use as the base of modern organizational-economic theory in exchange for the term of “economics” is proved. The core of researches in the field of the NIEF is forecasting of development of the future society and its economy, working out of organizational-economic methods and models, necessary for the future and intended for increase of efficiency of managerial processes. The economy is a science how to make, instead of, how to divide profit. The basic kernel of the modern economic theory is an engineering economy. As the economic component of state ideology of Russia we offer solidary information economy. According to the solidary information economy the modern information technology and decision theory allow, based on the “open network society”, to build information and communication system designed to identify the needs of people and the organization of production in order to meet them. To implement this feature we must have political will of leadership of economic unit, aimed at transforming the management of this economic unit. In particular, as is already happening in all developed countries, the Russian state should become a major player in the economy
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abstract 1141510002 issue 114 pp. 27 – 41 30.12.2015 ru 1045
The purpose of mathematical statistics is development of methods for the data analysis intended to solve applied problems. Over time, approaches to the development of data analysis methods have changed. A hundred years ago, it was assumed, that the distributions of the data have a certain type, for example, they are normal distributions, and on that assumption they developed a statistical theory. The next stage, in the first place in theoretical studies there are limit theorems. By "small sample" we mean a sample, which can not be applied to conclusions based on the limit theorems. In each statistical problem there is a need to divide the final sample sizes into two classes - those for which you can apply the limit theorems, and those for which you can not do it because of the risk of incorrect conclusions. To solve this problem we often used the Monte Carlo method. More complex problems arise when studying the effect on the properties of statistical procedures for data analysis of various deviations from the original assumptions. To study such impact, we often used the Monte Carlo method as well. The basic (and not solved in a general way) problem of the study of the stability of the findings in the presence of deviations from the parametric families of distributions is the problem of choosing some distributions for using in modeling. We consider some examples of application of the Monte Carlo method, relating to the activities of our research team. We have also formulated basic unsolved problems
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abstract 1091505016 issue 109 pp. 265 – 296 29.05.2015 ru 856
Improvement of the organizational structures can increase the efficiency of enterprises. Controlling of personnel in companies such as "Research Institute" is a tool to support personnel decisions; it contributes to the strategic goals and tactical objectives. This article describes the main types of organizational structures, their properties, sociometric research as a tool for management, the stages of implementation of model of controlling of personnel in human resource management system for companies such as "Research Institute". Controlling of personnel is in regulation of HR processes, benchmarking, monitoring the implementation of the goals, taking into account the costs of implementing improved management systems, etc. It aims to determine the quality, efficiency and optimality of specific mechanisms, technologies and methods for the implementation of the HR function. Objectively, the volume of realization of the HR function depends on the presence of a certain quantities of material, labor, financial and other resources, on the objectives of the enterprise at different stages of the life cycle, as well as the number and qualifications of personnel. The quality of realization of the HR function depends on the level of its top-management's understanding of the importance of human resource management in the enterprise, as well as of the skill level of middle management. Controlling of HR function allows us to create an information base for effective management decisions that can help us to optimize the system of personnel management in the circumstances of the market environment, which is a necessary basis for the successful development of enterprises working in the field of high technology products and services
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abstract 1051501002 issue 105 pp. 14 – 38 30.01.2015 ru 999
In practical use of methods of applied statistics we do not apply separate methods for describing data, estimation, testing hypotheses, but we must use deployed whole procedures - the so-called "statistical technology". The concept of "statistical technology" is similar to the concept of "technological process" in the theory and practice of organization of production. It is quite natural that some statistical technology can better meet the needs of the researcher (user, statistics) than others, some - are modern, and others - outdated, some properties are studied, and the others - no. It is important to stress that a qualified and efficient use of statistical methods - this is not one single statistical hypothesis testing and estimation of characteristics or parameters of a given distribution from fixed family. This kind of operations - only the individual building blocks that make up the statistical technology. The procedure of the statistical data analysis - is an information process, in other words, one or other information technology. Statistical information is subject to a variety of operations (series, parallel, or more complex schemes). In this article we discuss statistical technologies and the problem of "docking" algorithms. We introduce the concept of "high statistical technologies" and then we prove the necessity of their development and application. As the examples we have given the researches of Institute of high statistical technologies and econometrics of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. We have also considered a number of education problems in domain of high statistical technologies
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abstract 0921308039 issue 92 pp. 590 – 618 31.10.2013 ru 1584
One of the key provisions of the system fuzzy interval mathematics - the claim that the theory of fuzzy sets is the part of the theory of random sets, thus, part of the probability theory. The article is devoted to the justification of this statement. Proved number of theorems that show that the fuzzy sets and the results of operations on them can be viewed as the projections of random sets and the results of the corresponding operations on them
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abstract 1161602031 issue 116 pp. 430 – 456 29.02.2016 ru 860
Forecasting of scientific and technical progress is necessary to make grounded management decisions. In this article, we forecast the development of information and communication technologies in order to solve a particular but important issue of design of professional standards in the aerospace industry. We identify the factors affecting the development of information and communication (computer) technologies, with their help determine the trends of development of these technologies over the next two decades. The main trend - the maximum cheaper production of computer (or network) components, combined with an increase in their capacity. One way to reduce the cost of production is the "centralization" - combining several components into one. The third trend - the desire to reduce the size of computers. The size of a future computer could be a device the size of a pencil, a pin or button, as the system unit has a negligible size, keyboard and display are virtual, transfer any amount of information through a virtual office online. The development of secure free copying will lead to increased use of this free software and technologies "rental program" over the Internet. We predict an increase in reliability and intensive programs while maintaining the general principles of the interface. Revolutionary changes are expected production (machines, sensors), and household appliances
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abstract 1552001012 issue 155 pp. 147 – 163 31.01.2020 ru 185
Dynamic programming is designed to solve discrete optimal control problems. According to this method, the optimal solution in a multidimensional problem is found by decomposing it into stages, each of which represents a subproblem with respect to one variable. In economic problems, the number of stages is the planning horizon. The choice of a planning horizon is necessary for a rigorous statement of the applied problem in the field of economics and management, but it is often difficult to justify. We see a way out in the use of asymptotically optimal plans for which the values of the optimization criterion differ little from its values for optimal plans for all sufficiently large planning horizons. The main result of the paper is the existence of an asymptotically optimal plan. The proof is carried out in several statements. If the sum of the maximums of the transition functions tends to 0, the existence of an asymptotically optimal plan is obtained in Theorem 1. A special case is models with a discount at a discount coefficient less than 1. The main part of the article is devoted to models with a discount coefficient equal to 1. Theorem 2 on the highway is proved for base set of a finite number of elements. In Theorem 3, a statement is obtained on the approximation of an arbitrary set by a finite one. In the final Theorem 4, the existence of an asymptotically optimal plan is proved in the general case. The term “magistral” is associated with a well-known recommendation to drivers: in order to get from point A to point B, it is advisable to go to the highway (magistral) at the initial section of the road, and then exit the highway and get to point B. The recommendation for choosing the optimal one is similar trajectories using the Pontryagin maximum principle in the model of the optimal distribution of time between obtaining knowledge and developing skills. This fact underlines the methodological proximity of dynamic programming and the Pontryagin maximum principle
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abstract 1091505014 issue 109 pp. 208 – 237 29.05.2015 ru 945
According to the new paradigm of applied mathematical statistics one should prefer non-parametric methods and models. However, in applied statistics we currently use a variety of parametric models. The term "parametric" means that the probabilistic-statistical model is fully described by a finite-dimensional vector of fixed dimension, and this dimension does not depend on the size of the sample. In parametric statistics the estimation problem is to estimate the unknown value (for statistician) of parameter by means of the best (in some sense) method. In the statistical problems of standardization and quality control we use a three-parameter family of gamma distributions. In this article, it is considered as an example of the parametric distribution family. We compare the methods for estimating the parameters. The method of moments is universal. However, the estimates obtained with the help of method of moments have optimal properties only in rare cases. Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) belongs to the class of the best asymptotically normal estimates. In most cases, analytical solutions do not exist; therefore, to find MLE it is necessary to apply numerical methods. However, the use of numerical methods creates numerous problems. Convergence of iterative algorithms requires justification. In a number of examples of the analysis of real data, the likelihood function has many local maxima, and because of that natural iterative procedures do not converge. We suggest the use of one-step estimates (OS-estimates). They have equally good asymptotic properties as the maximum likelihood estimators, under the same conditions of regularity that MLE. One-step estimates are written in the form of explicit formulas. In this article it is proved that the one-step estimates are the best asymptotically normal estimates (under natural conditions). We have found OS-estimates for the gamma distribution and given the results of calculations using data on operating time to limit state for incisors
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abstract 1091505015 issue 109 pp. 238 – 264 29.05.2015 ru 944
Estimates of the errors of the characteristics of financial flows of investment projects are needed to make adequate management decisions, particularly in the rocket and the space industry. Organizational-economic approaches to the estimations of the feasibility of innovation-investment projects to create rocket and space technologies require intensive use of numerical characteristics of the financial flows of long-term projects of this type. In organizational-economic support for control problems in the aerospace industry we must provide the need to obtain the estimates of the errors of the characteristics of financial flows. Such estimates are an integral part of the organizational-economic support of innovation activity in the aerospace industry. They can be compared with the predictions interval, i.e. confidence estimation of predictive values. Half the length of the confidence interval is the prediction error estimate. In this article we give the new method for estimating the errors of the main characteristics of the investment projects. We focus on the net present value called NPV. Our method of estimation of errors is based on the results of statistics interval data, which is an integral part of the system fuzzy interval mathematics. We construct asymptotic theory which corresponds to small deviations of discount coefficients. The error of NPV has been found as the asymptotic notna. With up to infinitesimals of higher orders the error of NPV is a linear function of the maximum possible error of discount coefficients
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abstract 1081504019 issue 108 pp. 259 – 287 30.04.2015 ru 1003
This article is devoted to the investigations of our research team built for independent collection and examination the information about prices, ie to study the real inflation. The approach to measuring the rise in prices is based on selecting and fixing tool of economists and managers - the consumer basket which does not change during the time. On the basis of physiological consumption norms of the Institute of Nutrition (Russian Academy of medical Sciences) we made up the minimum consumer basket, ie we set annual consumption on food staples required to maintain normal functioning of the human body. In 1993-2015 we carried out an independent price collection. We obtained values of the consumer basket and inflation indices. We give the comparison with the data of official statistics. Our work is aimed at the elimination of Rosstat's monopoly in calculating the index of inflation, the minimum subsistence level and the real disposable income of the population. Using the same consumer basket makes it possible to compare the results of calculations for different time periods. That is why our works compare favorably to the approach of the official statistics. We have given a more detailed analysis of inflation in the XXI century. We have also briefly reviewed the use of inflation indices in the analysis of problems of households, organizations and production firms, as well as the country as a whole