Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Buzoverov Anatoly Vasilyevich

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Kuban State Agrarian University

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abstract 1061502045 issue 106 pp. 735 – 745 28.02.2015 ru 919
The researches are devoted to the determination of physiological parameters of grafted apple-trees joining with the level of their resistance to the change of soil рН. The experiments were carried out in the conditions of lysimetric experience with the soils use characterizing by different value of рН. The scheme of experience included the following variants of soil medium reaction: neutral (рН 7,3), typical for black soils of plain part of the region (control); weak-acid (рН 6,2) existing in soils of foothill zone of the region (grey and brown forest); strong-acid (5.1) typical for brown forest soils; weak-alkaline(рН 8.3) occurring in black soils of south and sod-carbonate soils, strong-alkaline ( рН 8.8) typical for maternal types of many black soils. There were studied the varieties of apple-trees Prima, Florina and Renet Simirenko grafted on stocks M9 and MM106 and as well as corresponding the non-grafted stocks. The reaction of grafted apple-trees on change of рН of soil is specific and depends on adaptive possibilities of grafting components: varieties and stocks. At the stock M9 we can see the active growth of shoots and roots in the meaning of pH values from 5,1 (strong-acid reaction) to 7,3 (neutral). Plants MM106 prefer neutral (pH 7,3) and weak-alkaline (pH 8,3) soils. Independently from stocks for the variety Florina the most favorable weak-acid soils and the variety Prima – mainly neutral. The variety Renet Simirenko possesses enough high and stable functional activity in the conditions of wide range of the medium reaction: from very acid to alkaline one