Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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abstract 1131509001 issue 113 pp. 1 – 32 30.11.2015 ru 997
On the one hand, man is a physical object and a person. Therefore, we interact with the reality, on one hand, directly as a physical object, but on the other hand as a person, i.e. indirectly through our psyche. On the basis of information from the senses, the consciousness of a person creates a subjective model of reality. A man mistakes his subjective model of reality for reality itself, i.e. unnecessarily assigns an ontological status, by the hypostatizations. In fact, as the reality a man perceives not reality itself, but only its subjective model of that reality. As a result, as a physical object, a person lives in the physical world, and as a person he lives in his subjective model of physical and social reality created on the basis of information coming to his senses directly and from the media. This work considers the process of formation of subjective 3D models reality based of large numbers of 2D images, a distinction is made in the content of terms: "Seeing" and "Sensing"; it also analyzes the transformation of objective facts into subjective perceptions of consciousness and back. As a result of hypostatizations of subjective models of reality, we may observe the same effects as in virtual reality (a reality effect; the effect of the presence; the effect of depersonalization; the effect of virtualization goals, values, and motivations). So, there is every reason to consider different subjective models of reality generated by different forms of consciousness, the virtual models. We study various consequences of these statements
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abstract 1131509018 issue 113 pp. 219 – 229 30.11.2015 ru 1589
Heterotopia, according to M. Foucault, is the space beyond all others, the space in which there are no familiar laws and regulations to the subject. It is obvious that behavioral stereotypes in such circumstances are undergoing all sorts of changes. People entering the heterotopia (especially in frontier heterotopia), is forced to adapt to new conditions and somehow the so-called act of transgression, i.e. to overstep the limits of the traditional behavior. It raises epistemological significance of the study of heterotopic transgression. The author, using Foucauldian approach to heterotopia, analyzes various forms of transgression, for the first time their classification is given. However, special attention is paid to religious transgressions, as heterotopic space often give ground for the emergence of new religious movements, branches, and sometimes even new religious systems. The author concludes that acts of transgression are a form of reaction to a meeting with an Alien in new for the subject of transgression conditions, which gives him the opportunity to adapt successfully to changing environmental conditions. All this corresponds to basic instincts of survival of the individual
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abstract 1131509075 issue 113 pp. 1033 – 1049 30.11.2015 ru 851
This article represents experience of a reflection over theoretical prerequisites of phenomenological and system approaches to a problem of forecasting of social reality. An object of research are the principle of multidimensionality of social reality in aspect of a determinism and indeterminism of social processes, and also the principle of causal asymmetry of time acting as the ontologic basis of multidimensionality of reality. It is claimed, that at the heart of statement of the major philosophical problems there is an experience of a touch to a phenomenon of multidimensionality of reality. Multidimensionality of reality is shown as a dependence of fundamental characteristics on the level of theoretical generalization and an intentionality of the consciousness registering reality in its existence. The hypothesis of multidimensionality of social reality assumes that social processes can be described and as strictly determined, predicted and as depending on a free will of the person depending on the level of theoretical generalization at which they are considered. The principle of causal asymmetry of time is a form of multidimensionality of time and a condition of multidimensionality of process, including social. At the heart of causal asymmetry of time, there is a systemacity of time, not reducibility of time neither to consciousness, nor to life. It is shown that is impossible differently as through the synthesizing activity of consciousness, to connect together two senses, equally directly related at the right time: duration keeping time in some equal unity of the moments and the variability, change of times expressing ontologic exclusiveness of the present moment. Multidimensionality and asymmetry of time can be considered as theoretical prerequisites of phenomenological and system approach to a problem of social forecasting
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abstract 1131509099 issue 113 pp. 1411 – 1426 30.11.2015 ru 876
Contemporary philosophical thought is able to find modern trends of development. The traditional materialistic and idealistic model turns out archaic and platitudinous. It is necessary to work out appropriate forms of reflection. In addition, a need exists for including the interpretation of being actual fundamental research. The history of Russian thought reveals that in the end of XIX century, when intellectual crisis was occurred, it was formed such philosophical trend as realism. The grounds of realism were the achievements of natural science on the one hand and on the other were the revolutionarydemocratic ideas of «the Sixties». Realism being aimed at the reinterpretation and transformation of practical life on the real foundations set itself the task to study the actual reality. Therefore, philosophical realism has received an active development in a domestic science. Natural scientists argued correlative unity of material and ideal in nature. Idealism was regarded as speculative (insignificant) philosophy and materialism was as a limitation of the cognitive space of being and nature. The advantages of philosophical realism are rationalism, syncretism, and criticism. Realism is a trend of thought which has not yet evolved and can be productive in resolving modern problems
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abstract 1121508004 issue 112 pp. 78 – 87 30.10.2015 ru 1168
This article explores the critics of pedagogical discourse within activity theory. This critical approach is provided explicitly in contemporary Russian philosophy by I.A. Karavaeva. Within activity theory, the idea of objectivity serves as a main criterion of an educational process, whereas a teacher and a student are losing their subjectivity. While a teacher is reproducing the learning material by means of the method, both of which are determined not by himself, a student should be reproducing the provided material as close to the original as possible. The learning process resembles the reflection in the mirror. The article raises the question of how to return the subjectivity back to pedagogical discourse. The article states that we should take into account the classical German philosophy by F.W.J. Shelling (concept of “un-grounding” of knowledge) as well as the contemporary continental philosophy by J. Deleuze (identity of thinking and learning). These theories help to understand how a teacher and a student can think and learn together. The dialogue between a teacher and a student produces a unique and contingent learning situation, when thinking is provoked by the necessity of interpreting signs and making them meaningful. In terms of didactics, this results in abandoning the illusion of primordial knowledge as well as in transition towards the post-methodological approach in education
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abstract 1121508038 issue 112 pp. 504 – 526 30.10.2015 ru 1507
The author deals with problems of substitution of senses and notions in the science and in the social life. Such processes result not only in distortion of the scientific worldview but also in absolutely undesirable social cataclysms. However, this scientific problem has not been yet worked out to sufficient extent, which hampers preventing the mentioned distortions of the real worldview and brings to unwanted consequences requiring correlation and corrections. The question of senses and notions substitution is not new in the science but it has not been yet sufficiently studied. We know that strictness of thinking must be dearly paid for in loss of flexibility in revaluation of senses, which makes you easily slip into dogmatism. It should be noted that this keeps taking place both in the science itself and in the life of society any science is called to serve. So the science can be hardly imagined without schools of thought. They ensure preservation of certain knowledge, vision, approach and, finally, of a certain school – they are traditions and authority of the science. However, having passed their golden age, when the founder used to be followed after several generations by dogmatists whose genius and talent were far from being so great, a school begins to degrade producing scholasticism by substitution and emasculation of senses and notions and finally destructs itself. The collectivization in the USSR in the 30ies of the 20th century and so-called “extremes” associated with it being that very substitution of sense platforms in its pure form constitutes a rather illustrative example of social manipulation based on the substitution of sense platforms. These activities relating to detection of senses and notions substitution will also be developed in the future. The truth will be approached as before through cleaning the knowledge of the myth, through searching for the original sense or the archetype separated from lie and fabrication, cleaned of scientific dishonesty and political order
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abstract 1121508039 issue 112 pp. 527 – 553 30.10.2015 ru 1080
In the recent past, class-consciousness was considered one of the expression forms of social consciousness and acted as its main form due to close interaction with interests of people. The class-consciousness and the consciousness of classes were two separate matters of consideration. It was supposed that the essence of class-consciousness and of the class-psychology concomitant with it could only be comprehended in consideration of structure of the social consciousness as a whole. The correlation and interconnection of social psychology and structural units of social consciousness and ideology was a topical issue. However, it should be noted that any consideration of the social consciousness and psychology is just a naked abstraction when it is made in any of their interpretations with no account taken of the material bearer, i.e. the human who is a living organism, and of population, genetic and environmental circumstances. Therefore, talking about the class-consciousness and revolutionary nature of consciousness of the working class, we meet the following expected question: how can we talk about any progress if everything comes to destruction and further formation of an allegedly classless society with bloodshed and death of a significant part of population? At the same time, we can observe reemergence of the thesis of human heterogeneity that the humankind is not a single species but a biological genus. The species this genus consists of have their own genus-consciousness, which is also aggravated by race features and race consciousness. That is why there is actually no sense in talking about peculiarity of the class-consciousness and social consciousness regardless of certain society encased in some geographical shell. Research in this field is worth being developed after moving to the level of biosphere
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abstract 1121508040 issue 112 pp. 554 – 569 30.10.2015 ru 940
During the times of the Soviet Union, it was believed that the collective farm peasants were a class of the soviet society that formatted its social basis together with the working class and the people’s intellectuals. There was also an opinion that the collective farm peasants took an active part in construction of the communism and in ever more intensive development of productive forces in the agricultural sector. Evolution of the peasants was interpreted as follows: in course of preparation and actual realization of the social revolution along with subsequent reforms, the poorest peasants acting as ally of the proletariat became stronger in their revolutionary mood and gradually mastered certain elements of the proletarian ideology. Revolutionary enthusiasm and mood of the poorest peasants changed the consciousness of most working peasants for the benefit of collectivization. The latter created in its turn an objective basis of all peasants’ transformation to a quite new social class and formation of its socialist psychology. At the same time, the peasants were always under suspicion, which related to their petty-bourgeois nature. It should be mentioned that there was not any voluntary move of peasants from individualistic sentiments to collectivism. The transition to industrial methods in agriculture and to integration of peasants to collective farms was not caused by some abstract class feeling of the peasants but by the economic necessity and expedience for the country. Therefore, we can observe a substitution of sense platforms regarding this matter, which is ascertained and reasoned in this publication
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abstract 1121508045 issue 112 pp. 619 – 628 30.10.2015 ru 1136
The conceptualization of the phenomenon of a man in Economics is one of the key problems of a modern science. Interdisciplinary investigations devoted to the models of «homo economicus», have found their acceptance in the second half of the twentieth century. So, Jean Baudrillard considered the «homo economicus» as part of the postmodern trends. Baudrillard’s man is a consumer living in a society of abundance. The author considers the main features of modern man, presented in the works of Baudrillard. The article analyzes the characteristics of the consumer society that emerged in the twentieth century after the revolution of well-being, defined are the criteria and procedures of selection of the human wealth, and also their further consumption. Special attention is paid to the nature of consumption as a process and an end in itself, the transformation of the credit system, the credit perception of the Human. Individual ceases to be a key agent of the economy. Demand is subjected to an action from the supply side, it is becoming a function of production, under the influence of which the structure of demand is being changed. The author has also addressed to the problem of rationality as the basis of economic modeling and detects the Baudrillard’s negation of rationality as the characteristics of a person consuming. In conclusion, the article has presented the basic concepts of Jean Baudrillard about human behavior in the modern economic environment
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abstract 1111507023 issue 111 pp. 405 – 426 30.09.2015 ru 960
There was always a duality: the power – elite. In the Russian Empire it was the nobility. The service was not simply and not so much the policy tool, it reorganized also sluzhily estate that in turn made impact on the state institutes. The ruling class was consolidated that allowed to reach compromises with the government which realized many requirements of the nobility connected with service and rewarding for it managed to reconstruct significantly service not to the detriment of its intensity. On the other hand the power not always looked for compromise options. And the elite answered it with the same. Further these relations were transformed and developed already on other social substratum, and other economic component. Considering history of development and functioning in historical space of elite of the Russian Empire, and then and the USSR, it should be noted the similar regularities arising at their movement in time. First of all it is the instability of elite generating their split, and then and split of society that leads to different revolutionary shocks. Economic regulation of activity of elite at the time of the Empire not only didn't yield long-term positive results, but, on the contrary, were a step to devaluation of elite of that time, and further – to destructive revolutions. Thus, the conducted research allows to present more accurately need in all ways to try to avoid repetition of similar situations in the future