Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Romanets Timofei Sergeevich

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Don state agrarian University

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Articles count: 5

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abstract 1541910033 issue 154 pp. 360 – 382 30.12.2019 ru 272
Improvement of domestic breeds of Merino sheep remains an important task. The reorientation of the industry to wool-meat and meat-wool direction of productivity can contribute to the restoration of domestic sheep breeding. An example of such conversion is a relatively young breed called Dzhalginsky Merino, created in the Stavropol region on the basis of the Stavropol breed with the involvement of resources of domestic and world breeding. In the current situation, it seems relevant to use Dzhalginsky Merino, in order to improve the meat and wool qualities of sheep of domestic fine-wool breeds. Obtaining a new genetic combination of animals, formed by combining the genotypes of breeds Salsky, Stavropol and Dzhalginsky Merino will increase the efficiency of the industry in a market economy and will provide a more complete use of the productive potential of the breed. The results of studies on obtaining and use of animals, new genetic combinations of a wool – meat direction of productivity, with high energy of growth, meat and wool productivity, improves the efficiency of Merino sheep are an important theoretical justification for making a contribution to zootechnical science, with the aim of improving fine-wool breeds of sheep and can be used in practical work in the production of high quality lamb
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abstract 1291705089 issue 129 pp. 1235 – 1244 31.05.2017 ru 620
The article deals with the issue of improving the profitability of sheep breeding by using improved mutant genotypes in the breeding system. The results of studies of the main indicators of economic-useful traits are given, the dynamics of growth, level and quality of wool productivity of sheep of improved genotypes obtained on the basis of such breeds as Soviet merino and Stavropolskaya, as well as firstgeneration daughters cultivated in themselves are estimated. It was found that at birth, the live weight in the groups of the 3 group (the breeding of half-blooded hybrids "in oneself") was higher than that of the females from the 1 and 2 groups, respectively, by 0.50 kg, or 13.1%, and by 0.20 kg or 5.2% (P> 0.95). At a more senior age, the young, having a large live mass at birth, retained its rank position. The highest indicator of the cutting of physical wool was observed in animals of the 2 group, obtained as a result of the use of sheepproducers of Stavropolskaya breed on sheep of the Soviet merino. The parameters of the 1 and 3 group were lower by 0.6 kg - 12.3% and 0.17 kg - 3.5% (P> 0.95), respectively. The conclusion is made that the use of sheep-producers of the Stavropolskaya breed on the uterus of the Soviet merinos breed had a positive effect on the wool productivity and the live weight of the hybrid offspring. Further breeding of half-blooded hybrids “in oneself” showed the possibility of reproducing improved genotypes without losing the acquired qualities
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abstract 1051501049 issue 105 pp. 802 – 812 30.01.2015 ru 908
The article presents the results of the control slaughter of purebred and crossbred lambs. It was found that the index of compactness and the main killer performance superiority had two or three breed lambs obtained from crosses involving sheep southern meat breed. The experimental animals were taken measurements of carcasses, which give a fairly complete and objective view of the differences in the length of the torso, hips, mascara and hip girth. There are specific differences in the yield of the most valuable cuts of the first grade the rams depending on the origin. The superiority of crossbred calves over the control for this indicator amounted to 16.4 and 33.4%. The chemical composition of the meat fine-wool lambs contained more moisture and less fat and less calories than meat crossbred animals. Increasing the hybrids values of the protein quality index indicates an increase in meat share of muscle proteins and the reduction of connective tissue, and consequently, improving the quality of the raw meat. Animals obtained by crossing, have wide and deep body, well-developed muscles of the thighs, the best quality characteristics of meat productivity
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abstract 1041410060 issue 104 pp. 798 – 808 30.12.2014 ru 1227
The article presents some results of the industrial breeding of fine-wool ewes with rams of semi finewooled sheep breeds