Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Varivoda Andrey Yurevich

Scholastic degree


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Honorary rank


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Krasnodar Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary

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Articles count: 1

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abstract 1061502043 issue 106 pp. 688 – 699 28.02.2015 ru 1012
An accelerated growth of farm animals in order to obtain maximum productivity is possible due to introduction stimulating additives and preparations based on them into the rations. One of such tools is Polisilar - complex preparation, which includes components that have a positive impact on various aspects of the animal metabolism in the conditions of physiological disorders. At the same time components of the preparation due to its high bioavailability exhibit a potentiating effect in the body that allows getting a more pronounced effect on its use. Studies were conducted on pigs 3-3.5 months age and showed that the Polisilar preparation has a positive effect on the clinical and physiological status of the animals and exhibits a pronounced growth stimulating effect, increasing the weight gain of pigs by 14.3%. In addition use of the preparation in rations of growing pigs has a normalizing effect on red blood and blood forming organs, increasing the number of red blood cells by 18.7%, hemoglobin - by 24.5%. Polisilar stimulates protein, carbohydrate and mineral exchanges, stabilizes the functional activity of the liver, reducing the toxic load on hepatocytes. Therefore, the preparation Polisilar has a pronounced biological and pharmacological activity and can be used in animal husbandry as an effective stimulant