Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Kozlova Valeriya Aleksandrovna

Scholastic degree

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Honorary rank


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All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

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Articles count: 1

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abstract 1121508045 issue 112 pp. 619 – 628 30.10.2015 ru 1145
The conceptualization of the phenomenon of a man in Economics is one of the key problems of a modern science. Interdisciplinary investigations devoted to the models of «homo economicus», have found their acceptance in the second half of the twentieth century. So, Jean Baudrillard considered the «homo economicus» as part of the postmodern trends. Baudrillard’s man is a consumer living in a society of abundance. The author considers the main features of modern man, presented in the works of Baudrillard. The article analyzes the characteristics of the consumer society that emerged in the twentieth century after the revolution of well-being, defined are the criteria and procedures of selection of the human wealth, and also their further consumption. Special attention is paid to the nature of consumption as a process and an end in itself, the transformation of the credit system, the credit perception of the Human. Individual ceases to be a key agent of the economy. Demand is subjected to an action from the supply side, it is becoming a function of production, under the influence of which the structure of demand is being changed. The author has also addressed to the problem of rationality as the basis of economic modeling and detects the Baudrillard’s negation of rationality as the characteristics of a person consuming. In conclusion, the article has presented the basic concepts of Jean Baudrillard about human behavior in the modern economic environment