Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Lesnykh Evgeny Andreevich

Scholastic degree


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Honorary rank


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Kuban State Agrarian University

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Articles count: 1

132 kb


abstract 1311707054 issue 131 pp. 632 – 643 29.09.2017 ru 1014
The article describes the criminalistic features of fraud in insurance. Particular attention is paid to the basic elements, such as the ways of committing fraud, the study of social and psychological portrait of a criminal, the circumstances of the crime, the mechanism of the crime and other elements. The article reveals different types of performances applied for committing fraud in insurance. Special attention is paid to the most common traces of crime in insurance. Material traces are found in a wide variety of documents: insurance contracts, insurance policies, medical records, the findings of evaluation expertise, the certificates issued by the law enforcement agencies, acts of car repair shops, acts of firefighters, etc. The article traces the material except the author gives the concept of ideal traces that remain in the minds of all victims and witnesses. The author presents a classification of fraud in insurance according to various reasons: depending on the degree of organization of the fraud and the status of persons who commit fraud. The results of the author’s research covered in this article relate to preliminary verification of the crime in insurance. The article considers different situations requiring inspection for detecting criminal activities in insurance