Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Sharshak Alexej Alexandrovich

Scholastic degree


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Honorary rank


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Kuban State Technological University

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Articles count: 1

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abstract 1311707105 issue 131 pp. 1271 – 1278 29.09.2017 ru 876
The aim of the article is to demonstrate binarism as a method of theoretical perception. First of all, the authors define the initial concept of binarism as a principle of differentiating binary oppositions which came from philology into other sciences. Then, they stipulate the application conditions of binarism as a methodological principle, namely, both members of the opposition are stipulated, however, reasoning should not contain such logical mistakes as ‘defining through negation’ and ‘range of evidence’. Subsequently, logic of description is connected with stipulation of the ‘life’ concept, first, philosophically, then, using propositions of some natural sciences, namely, biological and, further on, physical and astrophysical definitions. Every time the authors use binary principle in describing these propositions. So, every time it becomes evident that if death can be defined as absence of life, the concept of life requires another approach, based on positive statements, which is also hard to do as it leads the researchers to the limit ‘nothing’ – ‘everything’; ‘not being’ – ‘being’. The results of the article have double nature. As the aim of the investigation was to demonstrate application features of the definite methodological principle, representation of the material may be considered as the aim achievement. In addition, in the concluding part the authors draw a line, formulating theoretical propositions, which concern both natural science and philosophical argumentation