Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Коnоnеnко Sergey Ivanovich

Scholastic degree

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Honorary rank


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Kuban State Agrarian University
    North-Caucasus Research Institute of Animal

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Articles count: 32

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abstract 1191605021 issue 119 pp. 293 – 312 31.05.2016 ru 438
The successful development of livestock requires maintaining and further increasing of the genetic potential, the basis for the manifestation of which is the adequite balanced feeding. Currently, one of the most urgent problems of livestock breeding is to find ways for reduction of the negative impact of various feeding factors on the animals. In industrial conditions, it is difficult to exclude various feed stresses, which lead to a decrease in productivity, survival rate and ill health of animals and poultry. The work summarizes the research in this direction, taking into account the achievements of domestic and foreign authors. A serious problem of feed producing companies and livestock farms is the grain and compound feed affection with fungi and their metabolic products - mycotoxins. Based on the results of the research of several authors, the ways of solving this problem were identified and recommendations on the reduction of the negative effect on the body were provided. It is noted, that one of the best and effective ways to reduce the negative effect of mycotoxins on the body is a method of administration of adsorbents in animal feed. But it should be taken into consideration that in order to maximize the protection against mycotoxins and minimize their harmful effects on the body of animals it is necessary to use preparations, which include adsorbents of organic and inorganic nature, as well as to comply with the dosage of their introduction into the diets of animals and poultry.The progressive forms of preparations of a new generation, solving problems of the negative impact of feeding factors, include probiotics, which contain some bacteria, immobilized on the solid particles, so that they inhabit the intestine faster. Modern biological complexes have immune correcting properties, increase non-specific resistance of the organism, normalize microbiocenosis of gastrointestinal tract, and stimulate the functional activity of the digestive system. Therefore, it is necessary to use feed additives with detoxification properties as part of animal compound feed, according to recommendations on their application in appropriate dosages
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abstract 1171603016 issue 117 pp. 284 – 304 31.03.2016 ru 362
In the current economic conditions of the import substitution, special importance is given to the search for new feed sources, methods of preparing them for feeding, the use of biologically active substances and enzymes. At the forefront of feed production is rape as breeding work with this culture has showed positive results. Currently, selectionists have bred yellow double-zero "00" varieties of rapeseeds free of erucic acid of "Canole" type, that have low glucosinolate level. The development of new and modern technology standards are required for preparation them for feeding, since they are fundamentally different from the previously used rapeseed varieties and have fewer restrictions for feeding to different types of farm animals and poultry. The article presents a fairly lengthy and reasoned review of the literature of a large number of authors on the topic, as well as given rapeseed market analysis, rational and advanced methods of preparing rapeseed processed products for feeding to young and adult animals. Much attention is paid to the use of a variety of biologically active substances and enzymes, which improve digestion and absorption of nutrients from rations with rapeseed processingproducts, increase productivity and reduce feed costs per unit of production. The use of processing products of rapeseed improves the profitability of livestock production. Feeding of rapeseedcake to cattle increases the protein content and volatile fatty acids in the rumen content, increases the number of infusoria and decreases ammonia levels. The inclusion of rape forage in diets of farm animals and poultry improves hematological parameters. Products of rapeseed processing of the varieties with low glucosinolatesa1re recommended for the rations of farm animals and poultry depending on the species, age and physiological state