Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Alferov Viktor Alekseevich

Scholastic degree

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Honorary rank


Organization, job position

State Scientific Organization North Caucasian Regional Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

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Articles count: 2

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abstract 1211607076 issue 121 pp. 1207 – 1220 30.09.2016 ru 760
In FSBRI «North-Caucasus zonal scientific-research institute of horticulture and viticulture» (Krasnodar) there was carried out the comparative economicbiological study of the average-height apple-tree stock М9ЕМLA in comparison with initial weakgrowing stock М9 in manifold, nursery and garden. Manifold bushes of the clone M9ЕMLA is quite worse in force than the stock М9 and were less branchy. Output of standard per hectare of manifold at the clone M9ЕMLA was on 35,5 thousand units more, and а standard condition of cuttings - on 13,2 % higher, than at the stock М9. Cuttings of the clone were less spiked and better rooted. In the first field of nursery, the plants of the clone had a vertical growth of the central conductor, slightly weaved and were more suitable to inoculation. The output of standard plants, in the variant with the use of clone M9ЕMLA by the variety Champion, in average for 2006-2010 was on 3112 units/hа, and on the variety Prikubanskoye – correspondently on 2470 units/hа higher than grafted on the stock М9. The cost price of 1000 seedlings on the clone M9ЕMLA was on 1962 rubles less than on the stock М9, and the standard of profitability of seedling growing, on the contrary was on 14-19 % higher. In the garden the trees on the clone M9ЕMLA were worse in growth of trees grafted on М9: on volume of the crone on 0,4-0,6 m3 , in diameter of the stem on 9-12 mm, in dependence on the variety, independently on the fact that some trees on clone were more weaker than grafted on the stock М9, their productivity for 2011-2015 was higher as from one tree as from the unit of area. The intensity of fruiting expressed in yield in kilos from a tree on the unit of volume of the top of a tree on the clone M9ЕMLA was on 33-39% higher than at the trees on the stock М9
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abstract 0611007018 issue 61 pp. 229 – 237 24.09.2010 ru 2255
In the North Caucasus there is about 50% of fruit plantations of the old type: stocks with strong and low power of growth, planting density from 320 to 416 trees/ha. The trees reach 6 feet high, the crown is thickened, minor crops and poor quality. One of the main causes of low profitability of such plantations is low intensity of pruning