Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Задоренко Илья Олегович

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Kuban State Agrarian University

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abstract 1061502022 issue 106 pp. 337 – 350 28.02.2015 ru 1190
The article is devoted to the an actual problem of modern management science – to the development of territorially-localized systems on the basis of clustered formations. The Krasnodar region is one of the most developed and perspective subjects of the Russian Federation that because of the high recreational potential is possible of progressive development of the tourist sphere. In the article we have considered the questions of regulatory-legal ensure and organization of development sanatorium and resort complex of the Krasnodar region. We have analyzed the tendency of the development of sanatorium and tourist complex in the region and determined the factors of distorting influence on its development; described the dynamics of the Fund of tourist accommodation; described the mechanism of public-private partnership in the development of the special economic area of tourism development in the territory of the Krasnodar region. We have recommended the project of organizational mechanism management development of competitiveness of the sector on the cluster basis. The article emphasizes the uniqueness of tourist and recreational resources of the Krasnodar region, and besides it distinguishes the main signs of the formed cluster. We have developed a model of factors providing influence on the competitiveness of economic objects of the territorial and localized system in the region. To effectively manage the development and formation of the cluster we have suggested regionalization of the terms of tourist business development and infrastructure. The proposed system of localization of tourist and recreational clusters might promote the development of different types of tourism in the region, mostly-recreational, active and culturally-cognitive. The instrument for the realization of this mechanism is program-target method, which increases the interaction of target programs of development of tourist and recreational areas