Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Mokhov Aleksey Sergeevich

Scholastic degree


Academic rank


Honorary rank


Organization, job position

Volga region scientific research institute of pro-ducing and processing of meat and milk production

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Articles count: 1

175 kb


abstract 1221608054 issue 122 pp. 773 – 783 31.10.2016 ru 543
The article presents the comparative assessment of economic traits of Holstein cows of various ecogenetic types in the Volgograd region, the Russian Federation. The study of adaptive ability of Holstein cattle imported from the United States (245 heads), Denmark (245 heads), Germany (386 heads), and Australia (250 heads) has been carried out based on breeding plant OOO "Donskoye" in Russia since 2006. The milk producing ability of the animals was studied during the period of first three lactations. The cows imported from the United States showed the maximum productivity. The cows from the USA and Germany were registered to have the highest fat content in milk. The mathematical modeling for predicting production processes revealed that with respect to the milk yield, the Holsteins of Danish selection were superior to the cows of American, German, and Australian selections by the fifth lactation. The high correlation between the milk yield and the body weight, as well as between the body weight and the fat content of milk from Holstein cows of various selections has been established. The cows of Danish, German, and Australian selections showed a positive correlation between economic traits and genetic parameters for the period of three lactations. The cows from Australia have been proved to have higher indices of protein composition of milk (the total nitrogen content, the amount of essential amino acids). The level of the adaptive ability of the animals of the same breed but different eco-genetic types has been found to be stable