Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Papova Larisa Vladimirovna

Scholastic degree


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Honorary rank


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Kuban State Agrarian University

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Articles count: 1

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abstract 1061502061 issue 106 pp. 960 – 974 28.02.2015 ru 1050
The agriculture unlike other branches has features in structure and the accounting of fixed assets: the main kind of fixed assets is the land here, the important place in the course of production is taken by such types of fixed assets as productive and working animals, long-term plantings. Expenses on repair of fixed assets are allowed for ESHN of that tax period in which they were carried out and paid, at a rate of the actual expenses in relation to an order of formation of the specified expenses for rules of accounting. In accounting, since 2011 the formation of the reserve on repair of fixed assets isn't provided. In tax accounting the taxpayer has the right to make formation of a reserve on repair of own fixed assets. Standards of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation regulated application of two algorithms of calculation of the sums forming a reserve on repair of fixed assets. The reserve on repair of fixed assets irrespective of the applied algorithm is created both on own, and on leased objects of fixed assets. The basis for calculation of a reserve is the schedule of carrying out repair work on each object of fixed assets in which are specified the implementation period, a type of repair work and their estimated cost approved by the authorized employee of the agrarian and industrial complex enterprise