Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Pechnikov Andrey Nikolaevich

Scholastic degree

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Honorary rank

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Military Institution of the Military Educational-andResearch Centre “Naval Academy”

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Articles count: 2

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abstract 1071503083 issue 107 pp. 1275 – 1284 31.03.2015 ru 1279
In this article, based on the works of Russian scientists, the directions of psychological support of military servicemen with professional orientation are described and justified. The concept of serviceman's professional orientation is given as a generalized evaluation of specialist's skills to effectively realize their creative potential in the field of professional activity, which is based on the results of their total functional responsibilities at their current and previous positions. The factors affecting the level of professional development of the military servicemen's professional orientation are identified. The authors show that the traditional structure of military pedagogical process does not meet modern requirements of military-pedagogical work arrangement, because they do not relate to the matters of solving personal problems. In the article we have shown and reasoned that when psychological and educational assistance is incorporated into the traditional structure of military pedagogical process it helps to activate the specialist's inner potential to solve his personal problems caused by the conditions and requirements of military service. Psycho-pedagogical assistance is seen as a correcting component of the military pedagogical process, the main function of which is individually to correct specialists' personality characteristics causing problems to their life, which is relevant at the present stage of the development of military servicemen professional orientation
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abstract 1081504074 issue 108 pp. 1008 – 1018 30.04.2015 ru 2430
To the present stage, the process of becoming contract soldier professionals lasts up to 10 years or more, which is impermissible for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. One of the elements of a professional orientation of soldiers under contract is its evaluation. In the study, the authors have proposed evaluation methodology of professional orientation of contract soldiers. The validity and reliability assessment of the proposed methodic was carried out in two stages: stage 1 - respondents survey according to the methodic of M. Rokeach and getting their individual profiles; stage 2 - predicting the level of respondents professional military orientation, based on the assessment of proximity (conformity) of the respondents' individual profiles of value orientations to owned reference profiles. The evaluation of the internal (criterion) validity technique was performed as assessing the validity of the relationship between the influence and the observed results and the possibility to use this relationship to predict respondent's actions in future. Reliability of the methodic was assessed by three indicators. For all the indications we have obtained the results, showing the retest reliability of the proposed methodology of evaluation of military-professional orientation