Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Petrenko Elena Genadyevna

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Kuban State Agrarian University

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Articles count: 1

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abstract 1111507050 issue 111 pp. 861 – 872 30.09.2015 ru 1096
This article discusses the concept of "sanctions" in constitutional and international law, as it is controversial and debatable. The media and prominent politicians now often use the term "sanctions", it is connected to the Crimea to Russia, and a mixed assessment of the event foreign countries (countries of the European Union, Japan, Switzerland) and international organizations (the Council of Europe, NATO). The author explores different perspectives reveals several scientific approaches to the concept of "authorization". Theoretical aspects of the work were discussed in close connection with the practice, namely, analysis of the process of joining of Crimea to Russia from the point of view of international law and Russian legislation in this regard, the validity of the application of sanctions against the Russian Federation. We were also paying attention to types of sanctions. The article analyzes the comprehensive and targeted sanctions, their distinctive features and the need to use the "mirror" of sanctions for the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the legal regulation of sanctions in international and Russian law. It is noted that in the Russian Federation, legislative regulation of the sanctions received only in the economic sphere. The author highlights some trends in the development of existing legislation in the field of sanctions