Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Klukha Irina Konstantinovna

Scholastic degree

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Honorary rank

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State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training «Marish State University»

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abstract 1121508022 issue 112 pp. 297 – 304 30.10.2015 ru 1130
What is the thing under the philosophical interpretation? The thing is a subject of the material reality, which existence is relatively independent and stable. Everything has its place in space. The material world consists of the totality of things, and that is why, concerning the image of “the thing” in a literary work, we address to all the objects created by men, which enter the world of the plot. It can be a costume of a character, an interior of his house, utensils, personal items and many other things which compose the usual sphere of cultural life. In the course of the development of the society people withdraw themselves from the natural environment; their environment becomes man-made. The world of things is naturally reflected in the literature, and in the course of time its importance increases. We can explore some features of an author’s worldview through the analysis of his ideological and topical works. The study proves that the material world is fully and equally represented in the author’s stories. Therefore, the vision of the material world is a deeper property of the author's consciousness than the ideological and thematic occupancy of the works. The material world is one of the main problems of Leskov's worldview. Leskov is a realist. The filling of the material world can be either religious or social. In the spiritual stories «the thing» must be pushed to the sidelines and become a religious symbol. But Leskov breaks this system and remains temporal