Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Maltseva Dariya Aleksandrovna

Scholastic degree


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Honorary rank


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Kuban State Agrarian University

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Articles count: 1

342 kb


abstract 1572003020 issue 157 pp. 271 – 281 31.03.2020 ru 154
The article presents the results of the research on the evaluation of frost-resistant varieties of winter barley. Frost resistance is the main criterion for winter hardiness of winter crops. To promote the area of cultivation of winter barley in colder areas, production needs high-hardy varieties. Recently, due to the warming of the climate in the Central zone of the Krasnodar region, it is almost impossible to reliably and accurately determine the winter hardiness of winter crops in natural (field) conditions. In this regard, breeders in their work, in order to identify frost-resistant forms, use the method of direct freezing of breeding and collection material. During our research, the evaluation of the test material was carried out using a modified method developed by academician V. M. Shevtsov. This method allows the most accurate and efficient determination of the critical temperature for a particular sample in a short period of time. Varieties and lines were placed in the EKSI refrigeration unit for a certain period of time. Then they were taken out, and at the end of time, the percentage of plants before and after freezing was calculated. As a result of the conducted research, we have selected highly frost-resistant forms that differ in a complex of economically valuable features and properties