Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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abstract 1181604037 issue 118 pp. 675 – 691 29.04.2016 ru 1081
The article is devoted to the analysis of positions of some philosophers who negatively estimate a role of equipment in human lives and societies. It discusses the philosophical concepts of E. Yunger, F. Yunger, M. Heidegger, K. Jaspers, etc. Besides, the authors of this article address to A. Schopenhauer, F. Nietzsche, M. Makklyuen's heritage. In this work it is shown as methods of formalization and symbolization in science are transferred to areas of humanitarian knowledge and spiritual life, impoverishing them, turning "the understanding thinking in estimating". Calculation becomes a sign of the mechanized reality in which education, work, household submit also to the principles of mechanization. Extrapolation of mechanics to all the spheres of human existence leads to destruction of the humanistic principles: the world as mechanical system is the world where one element can be replaced with another where each part represents only object for studying and manipulation. In the article we also describe tendencies of transformation of people into masses on the basis of the rational estimating tradition of Modern times. Thus, in this work the problems menacing to the essence of "human" are being put and the message for further searches of the way of permission of the question of dehumanization in connection with technical development is formulated, when it is impossible to refuse it completely
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abstract 1161602019 issue 116 pp. 262 – 274 29.02.2016 ru 1100
In the focus of the article we have the philosophical concept of the outstanding scientist and social activist V.M. Behterev, which is considered as philosophical realism. Philosophical realism is a trend of Russian intellectual thought. It aims to study the nature and the man is substantial part of which. In this way, the realism is based on the anthropological tradition. Realistic ideology, which is developed by scientists, indicates the comprehension of the relationship of material and ideal in nature. To designate such connection the author proposes the concept of "philosophical conversion". Behterev's theory is positioned as a particular expression of philosophical realism in nature science, and it is termed by "evolutionary monism". It means a correlative connection of a total processes in nature. By analyzing the philosophical views of the scientist, the author concludes that psychic energy appears as a correlate of material and ideal and it is intermediated by humans. Psychic energy like other forms of energy is never destroyed and provides a social immortality of the man. The accumulation of mental energy leads to the creation of higher moral being named «progenerativ». The realistic concept of Behterev is interesting both a historical point of view and in the context of contemporary interdisciplinary efforts to comprehend the "second reality" of man, namely a virtual reality
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abstract 1161602020 issue 116 pp. 275 – 284 29.02.2016 ru 1068
In this article, we are talking about language mentality of youth. The problem is multifaceted and allows the researcher to see different aspects of the interaction of language and mentality, and also their actions in unity. Mentality of young people is largely determined by social conditions, which is expressed in language features. Language, in turn, has some formative influence on the socialization process of the youth mentality. Philosophers, psychologists, linguists, historians examine various aspects of interaction of mentality and language, relations between language and thought, language and history, language and national culture, language and learning, language and humor, etc. In this article, exploring the mentality of the youth system, we distinguish among them language. The goal is to show features of youth language mentality as a way of perceiving the world, to determine levels (degrees) of functioning mentality as a language picture of the world, to identify the factors of formation of individual linguistic mentality of the individual and the social environment
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abstract 1151601003 issue 115 pp. 22 – 75 27.01.2016 ru 836
It has been proved that theoretical scientific models created as a result of the learning process, reflect not the reality of "what it really is" and only the reality "what it is" in the process of interaction with tools of empirical knowledge, i.e. the organs of perception of a certain organism that supports a corresponding form of consciousness, experimental instruments and information-measuring systems of a certain functional level. Examples and consequences of the major mistakes that have been historically made by scientists for the substantial interpretation of theoretical scientific models: this error is unwarranted giving the model the ontological status ("hypostatizations") and its associated error model giving the status of universality. The history of the emergence and development of science was viewed as a process of sequential application of natural scientific method to the study of objects of knowledge, previously studied in the framework of philosophy. We have formulated a promising idea of solving problems of philosophy of natural science methods. In the framework of implementation of this idea, we have proposed a natural-scientific formulation and solution of the basic question of philosophy. This new scientific concept of "Relatively objective and Relatively subjective" and discusses the relationship of the content of these concepts from forms of consciousness. The article gives a natural-scientific definition of consciousness and offers periodic multi-criteria classification of forms of consciousness, including 49 forms of consciousness: the 7 types of 7 consciousness and cognition methods. It examines the dialectics of the changing ideological paradigms from antiquity to the present day and a place of scientific paradigms in the process. It also describes the law of denial-denial in the change of ideological paradigms and on the basis; it explores the hypothesis about the main features of the future ideological paradigm, formed in the present. We have formulated the correct principles of interpreting scientific models of natural-scientific method – scientific method of induction and the principles of open consciousness, i.e. the principles, opening the way for the formation of new, improved and more adequate models of reality than the existing ones which were considered the only true models
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abstract 1151601009 issue 115 pp. 152 – 161 27.01.2016 ru 805
The article analyzes the effect of simulation pattern arrangement and its components for purposes of ideological subjection of mass man who is a perfect consumer for falsely-created needs. Successful functioning of the system affects directly to attainment of all required goals of consumer society, among them the primary is a permanent linear growth. Simulacras presuppose three evolution levels. Modern society has already passed margin of last level. To restrain power over masses, control structures steer peak impact to reinforcement of men undercover fears. By means of mass media, general negative ambience is framed to probable threads amplification. It causes mass men for permanent fear living. The whole public structure is permeated by ideological effect simulacras, especially it concerns trade as a locomotive element of consumer society
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abstract 1151601010 issue 115 pp. 162 – 172 27.01.2016 ru 605
This article reviews interpretative position of prominent German philosopher and psychologist Erich Fromm on mass men destructiveness analysis. As a rule, to reach a goal of well-balanced embedding into consumer society structure, mass man passes through stages of deindividualization and common averaging by accepting prescribed general postulates of society’s authorities. Nevertheless, own personality refusal and ‘rules of the game’ following adduct to moral degradation, which causes destructiveness phenomenon. Out of socio-political regimen, destructiveness appears in attempts of ‘freedom escape’ by any possible means. Totalitarian regimen ideologically steers mass men through total subjection to defined life track by agreement of individuality sacrifice. Democratically-minded consumer societies require deindividualization and partly rights pinching in exchange of status consumption system integration. Any patterns of counteraction to these system processes are commenced by personal activity manifestation and motivation in reaching own goals. However, conformist majority is meant to live according to ideologically defined society rules
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abstract 1151601025 issue 115 pp. 391 – 404 27.01.2016 ru 603
The anthropologism is traditionally considered the main feature of Russian philosophy. The article reviews some anthropological ideas that have received natural development in such direction of thought as philosophical realism in the 2nd part of XIX century. Philosophical realism is positioned as a trend that has emerged within the mainstream of the basic traditions of Russian philosophy. It is noted that this direction is defined as an independent, in the wake of the strengthening of Russian science as a new cognitive paradigm. Substantively, philosophical realism is presented with the theories and concepts of the natural sciences developed in the 2nd part of XIX century. The realistic outlook, ripening in the Science environment, not only supported the anthropological tradition of Russian thought but put them on a scientific basis. It was dominated by the view that only by using scientific methods can reveal the objective laws of coexistence between man, nature and society. The article deals with the anthropological theories of Russian thinkers such as A.N. Radishchev, A.I. Galich, N.G. Chernyshevsky. The anaysis shows that realistic outlook in the natural sciences in the area of human theory relies on the principles of integrity, panmoralizm, cosmism. The conclusion is that the philosophical concepts by realistic scientists are out of attention of modern scholars. In the meantime, the study of these theories can make a significant contribution to the practical experience of comprehension of reality, as well as help to discover new sides of the domestic, national philosophy
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abstract 1151601035 issue 115 pp. 534 – 582 27.01.2016 ru 600
The article solves a problem of correlation of different forms of cognition such as philosophy and religion in the ontological process, which is refers as a dialectical unity of the becoming of being and thinking. The definition of the logical form of the individual stages of cognition appears possible only in case that they are the special forms of determination of the universal form of being, which for them is a universal content. The special definition of the universal form of being through certain forms of cognition is a logical necessity ontological process. Its subdividing into three stages is mediated by exact historical incarnation of three logical forms, which in the sphere of cognition correspond: art/myth; religion/science; philosophy. On the basis of the identity of the content of philosophy and religion, which is the universal form of being, it is argued that their identity is at the last stage of the becoming of culture is the result of realization of this form in the idea of concrete identity. Its concrete manifestation in all aspects of being and thinking completes itself an ontological process, turning it into the system, which is infinitely determined by the logical form. The idea of concrete identity, which is the ideal purpose and actual result of a becoming of being, leaving nothing in it abstract and indeterminate, fully expresses itself in ideal by the form, the universal notion. Since in the notion of the subject and object, thinking and being, the spirit and the nature they completely coincide, then the universal notion is a concrete manifestation of the universal subject – the absolute person, eternally united in all their attributes. The concept of the idea of concrete identity, arising not only in philosophy, but also in religion – in an image of the absolute person, by means of their associations at the highest stage of development, reaches the limit point of its definition
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abstract 1141510024 issue 114 pp. 326 – 337 30.12.2015 ru 1106
Cultural dialogue with an Alien/Stranger on Frontier territories takes different forms depending on the specific period in which intercultural communication occurs. It is possible to allocate three periods with particular forms of intercultural communication: the early frontier, active frontier and postfrontier. If meeting with a Stranger/Alien in the active period of the frontier is characterized by the active suppression of a Stranger, sometimes to His complete destruction or enslavement, in the period of postfrontier there comes a revision of forms of this dialogue and the image of an Alien/Stranger radically changed from negative to positive. This article analyzes the transformation of the Stranger’s image in the postfrontier space of the USA. It shows how the image of the Indian in the second half of the 20-th century got increasingly positive features
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abstract 1141510113 issue 114 pp. 1569 – 1582 30.12.2015 ru 1115
Clip thinking phenomenon analysis is considered through a comparison to a theory of one-dimensional man by outstanding representative of Frankfurt school of social research Herbert Marcuse. Approaches to definition for clip thinking phenomenon and indication its reasons are conducted. Although this phenomenon was defined and presented more than 20 years ago by philosopher F. Girenok, descent reasons and impact apparatus of clip thinking were described earlier by Gerbert Marcuse within ‘one-dimensional man’ theory. Philosopher contemplates modern industrial society as never-ending consumer system, its aims of own life support predetermined a formation of new type man which represents mass society by ability of living according to “correct” social attitudes. The man’s life should be brought under control of constant consumer process. Any exertions of individuality or public point of view deviations should be eliminated. These things are executed by means of mass media indoctrination and appropriate ideas implementation. However every man is still able to think critically and his vision of world comprehension may be quite full due to cultural environment accessory even in spite of one-sided perception prism