Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Romanov Dmitry Alexandrovich

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Kuban State Technological University

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Articles count: 12

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abstract 1201606052 issue 120 pp. 770 – 784 30.06.2016 ru 355
The article presents the criteria for the effectiveness of the scientific and pedagogical workers of higher skill levels for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff. It is known that the preparation of the teaching staff (PhDs) - one of the most important activities of higher education institutions; Moreover, when the state accreditation of higher education institutions compulsorily taken into account indicators that reflect the impact of training candidates. Also, of course, that the training of the teaching staff (PhDs) - activities that require both high levels of research and pedagogical competence. This means that the results of scientific and teaching staff higher qualification levels for the preparation of the scientific staff - both indicators of research and pedagogical competence; own training of researchers - an area of "crossing" of scientific and pedagogical activity. Unfortunately, the increase in the number of scientific personnel being prepared does not always mean quality growth. Often trained scientific personnel (PhD) not only do not approach the level of competence of its research (the results of research) to the supervisor, and stopped to engage in scientific activities after defending his doctoral dissertation (or engaged at a low level). Therefore, the article authors consider it expedient to propose indicators that reflect not only the amount and timeliness of the research training (PhD thesis defense sometimes occur many years after graduate school), but also the productivity of this activity. From the point of view of the authors, the success of research training only can be considered productive when prepared by the scientific supervisor candidates of sciences are highly qualified scientific personnel, ie conduct high-level research, the results of which are recognized by the scientific community; the same is true of the scientific advice (highly qualified scientific workers - doctors). The practical significance of the study results - in the possibility of objective monitoring of research activity of scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification. Methodological bases of research: a systematic, competence, sociological, and metasystem qualimetric approaches. Methods: modeling, methods of quality control, methods of set theory, relations and graphs. Normative base of research: the Federal Law "On Education" (2012), the federal state educational standards of higher education (2014, 2015). The work was performed as part of research projects "Monitoring of the research activities of educational institutions in the information society" (№ 16-03-00382) and "Modern information and educational environment" (16-36-00048) with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation from 17.03. 2016.
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abstract 1271703038 issue 127 pp. 557 – 583 31.03.2017 ru 354
The article presents the new criteria suitable for the diagnosis of the productivity of research and the importance of its results for the scientific community, are resistant to artificially "improve". It is known that generally accepted measure of the productivity of research scientists is the h-index, which is calculated based on a statistical method of scree. This indicator is applicable to research teams (organizations). However, the h-index and a number of other scientometric indicators based on citation, are easy to be artificially increased (fraudulent schemes action). New scientometric parameters adequately reflecting the importance of research results, and not amenable (or very difficult to) to be artificially "improved" are therefore needed; moreover, it is recognized around the world: the true score (not fictitious) of the significance of the results of a research scientist for the scientific community - is a complex metrological (scientometric) task. The authors argued that such indicators are primarily index latitude demand for research results, as well as a number of other parameters of copyright. Despite the fact that authors indicators, the same as the h-index are based on citation, their large values indicate that the scientific community recognizes the results of the research activities of scientific and pedagogical workers; moreover, these indicators can be considered as a criterion to identify really promising (productive) researchers. The problem of adequate assessment of the productivity of research activities and the significance of its results, the authors consider in the context of the problems (larger problems) of the effectiveness of educational environments. The practical significance of research results lies in the possibility of their use for constructing criteriondiagnostic apparatus for monitoring research activities of scientific institutions (including higher educational institutions). Research methodology: systemic, metasystemic, probabilistic-statistical and qualitative approaches. Research methods: cognitive, structural, functional, and mathematical modeling; methods of graph theory, sets and relations; system-cognitive analysis; methods of quality control (theory of latent variables); methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics (first of all – a method of scree), methods of analytical geometry; methods of the mathematical theory of limits