Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Pronin Eugene Sergeevich

Scholastic degree


Academic rank


Honorary rank


Organization, job position

Kuban State Agrarian University

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Articles count: 1

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abstract 1081504080 issue 108 pp. 1093 – 1106 30.04.2015 ru 1245
Selection of competent personnel in a company is a difficult task for any employer. To do so, personnel of staffing services use special algorithms and techniques. This task requires a systematic approach. Functions of HR organizations with the development of the Russian economy are transformed. The process of human resource management in an organization includes some elements such as the selection of potential candidates, evaluation, selection of suitable employees, employment of staff, monitoring its development, organization of training, retraining and skills development. First of all, the decision about the choice between using internal and external sources of employment. Next they have to determine a possible selection algorithm. The article analyzes the sequence of steps that organizes the personnel office of the company to implement the algorithm of selecting the appropriate professional characteristics of staff for vacancies: registration of personal data; analysis of recommendations and track record of the applicant; organization and conducting interviews; diagnosis suitability, including business and personal qualities; medical monitoring; analysis of test results and make conclusions about the suitability of the candidate; decision on recruitment. Our overview of the most common methods of testing knowledge and personal qualities of the candidate, which is held in this article is of interest to both the employer and the applicant applying for a job