Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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abstract 1301706041 issue 130 pp. 567 – 597 30.06.2017 ru 273
The article is devoted to discussion of modern views on management decisions. We have released several bulk textbooks on the theory of decision-making. This article discusses several key aspects of this theory: a comparison of approaches to decisionmaking, the pitfalls of voting, and the methodology of decision-making, management responsibility. We have considered a simple example of a problem of decision-making in the management of the organization: selection a model of a new car to run into a series. Criteria for making a decision, which put forward by the four experts-theorists, contradicted each other. The Board of Directors decided to issue a vote. We have considered the "reefs" of voting. In the production and realization of administrative decisions we distinguish four levels. The first and most important level, which determine the success or failure of administrative activity is methodological. We discuss the levels of production and realization of administrative decisions. We give some examples where methodological errors lead to wrong management decisions. For example, a call to "maximum profit at the lowest cost" is quite common in the speeches and orders of a general nature. However, it is mistaken. Practice of development, adoption and implementation of solutions is based on a few basic concepts: Who makes the decisions? The procedure for preparation of the solution (the regulations). Objectives. Resources. The risks and uncertainties. Criteria for estimating decisions. The manager has his responsibility for the decisions taken. Volition of manager - the basis of management
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abstract 1301706048 issue 130 pp. 695 – 711 30.06.2017 ru 274
In the years 2014-2016 under the influence of the sanctions against Russia, the arrangement of the funding base had been carried out mainly from the internal sources, which are from the funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the funds of organizations and the population savings. This article examines the Central Bank’s rates of lending in the period of 2014-2016; it studies the impact of the lending rates from the financial regulator on the finance result of the banks. The article contains the analysis of the funds raised by credit companies from legal entities and individuals. Due to the lack of access to the resources of the world market’s loanable funds and, as the result of it, the shortages of funding, Russian banks were forced to function using the fund deposits of individuals. Next, the article unfolds the analysis of the current environment and the prospects of borrowing on the foreign market in the conditions of sanctioning. In may 2016 Russia returned as a sovereign borrower to the international debt market. It has been noted that in the case of the situation remaining calm on the geopolitical arena, the conditions of external funding for Russian banks are going to improve. On the other hand, the prompt and optimal way out of the present conditions is seen in the development of the innovative environment, which is impossible without venture capital financing
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abstract 1341710087 issue 134 pp. 1066 – 1082 29.12.2017 ru 274
The purpose of this article is an evolutionary analysis of the regulatory role of the state land resources in the agrarian sphere of Russia; researches have been carried out on the use of agricultural land in the period of economic transformation, problems are identified both at the federal and the territorial level of the subject of the Russian Federation. Recommendations for solving the identified problems are suggested
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abstract 1281704052 issue 128 pp. 720 – 739 28.04.2017 ru 278
The authors note, that the system of state regulation of agribusiness sets the rules and creates a relatively equal competitive opportunities for all market participants. The state support though is directed to increase efficiency of the state regulation of all agricultural subjects, including small-scale farming. Classics of retrospective of market relations’ development have shown that the manufacturing business can be quite successful in a self-regulatory market. Later, the practice of using the Marxist economic theory revealed the insolubility of the contradictions in the functioning of the classical market model. The Paradigm of the Keynesian school has confirmed the contradictions of the classical equilibrium theory of the free market. In the result, the strategy of the industrial markets development has swept in the direction of the neo-conservative models of regulation. Today, the integration models that are using synthesis of state-and market-based regulatory instruments are remaining the philosophy of many Worlds’ developed economies. At the same time, in our agrarian economy, the balanced and equilibrium proportions of the development are absent, what requires greater state involvement in the regulation of the agribusiness growth. The authors believe that the latest Western sanctions provide additional opportunities for the development of domestic agricultural production. The state should actively use its capabilities in the development and strengthening of domestic agricultural production and access to foreign commodity markets. After achieving adequate competitive position providing sustainable economic growth of the agricultural economy, the intervention of state protectionism can be reduced and, simultaneously, the role of the liberal approaches should be increased
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abstract 1281704083 issue 128 pp. 1197 – 1210 28.04.2017 ru 278
A variety of factors among which a special place is taken to the quality of lands influences the efficient functioning of agricultural organizations. Therefore, the study of methodical approaches to ensure the effective functioning of agricultural organizations taking into account the quality of lands is necessary to make balanced, economically substantiated administrative decisions. In the article there were defined the indicators of an integrated evaluation of the efficiency of functioning of agricultural organizations taking into account the quality of lands based on the account of key economic, technological and environmental parameters, providing an integrated picture of activities of these organizations for the rational use of all factors of production (land, labor, capital)
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abstract 1231609056 issue 123 pp. 827 – 840 30.11.2016 ru 281
In our country there is a system of compulsory employees’ insurance functions. First attempts to establish the responsibility of employers were taken over a hundred years ago, since then there have been significant changes. The current system of contributions to pension, social and health insurance funds has existed for about thirty years, but it constantly changes. Since 1990, the insurance functions have been shifted from the state budget to established extra-budgetary funds formed at the expense of deductions of employers. Since this system has not brought the expected results, it is repeatedly reformed. To legalize the payment of salaries and additional contributions the Unified social tax was developed in 2001, which lasted until 2010. Its purpose was to accumulate cash to realize citizens' rights for state pension, social insurance, and medical care. Its establishment did not lead to the increase of pensions and social benefits either. Nowadays, after the abolition of the Unified social tax every employer and sole proprietor in Russia has to pay insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund and the Health Insurance Fund. Throughout the studied period the contribution rates changed, introduced and abolished preferential tariffs. New turn of events in this sphere, specifically the introduction of Chapter 34 of the tax code, was the cause of attempt to systematize all the changes concerning payments to extra-budgetary funds for the past 26 years
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abstract 1281704069 issue 128 pp. 1014 – 1026 28.04.2017 ru 282
The report on financial results is among the main forms of financial statements of commercial organizations. Annual report contains data for the reporting and prior years received revenue-net cost of products sold gross profit administrative and commercial costs, profit (loss) from sales; it also includes: income from participation in other entities; interest income; interest expense; other income; other expenses; profit (loss) before taxation current profit tax; change of deferred tax obligations change of deferred tax assets other net profit (loss). Reference in report: results of revaluation of non-current assets not included in net profit (loss) of the period results of other operations not included in net profit (loss) for the period basic earnings (loss) per share; diluted earnings (loss) per share. The report is based on two fundamental principles – the method of calculation and assumptions the continuity of the organization. Its content transformed in accordance with the format of the report, implemented the international financial reporting standards - IFRS 1 "Presentation of financial statements". The value of the statement of financial performance is determined by their role as criteria of effectiveness and efficiency of industrial - financial activities of business organizations, the role of profit as source of financing of expanded reproduction
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abstract 1291705066 issue 129 pp. 913 – 931 31.05.2017 ru 283
In the article we consider the methodological framework for the analysis of asset turnover; critical assessment of individual provisions of the traditional methods of analysis of capital turnover; a method to eliminate the influence of the price factor and the composition of current assets by results of approbation of an improved method for analyzing the turnover of circulating assets and own capital of business entities. The basis of the theory of capital turnover is the classic formula of the reproduction of capital by K.Marx, suggesting the increase of goods, money and money capital at the last stage of treatment, and improving the efficiency of the rational organization of the use, the rational level of concentration. The higher the speed of capital turnover, the more efficient its use is. The peculiarity of the process of the turnover of inventories, working capital is its dependence on specialization of business entities, defining the structure of fixed and current assets, ratio of reserves, participating and not participating in circulation during the reporting year. However, the traditional method of analysis of asset turnover, inventory does not distinguish between reserves for participating and non-participating in circulation during the reporting year, which precludes an accurate assessment of the process of circulation of assets to make the best management decision for their formation, to determine an objective rating of the business entity in its credit scoring. With regard to the method of analysis of asset turnover, inventory use of non-participating stocks in circulation during the reporting year, overstates the average annual total assets, inventory is the baseline for calculating the number of revolutions; inflated the average book value of assets, inventory, reduces the number of revolutions per year overstates the duration of one rotation of assets, stock, increases the capacity revenue (annual turnover) and, therefore, overestimates the need for assets, inventories, leading to inaccurate assessment of the release (raising) of assets stocks
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abstract 1301706056 issue 130 pp. 799 – 809 30.06.2017 ru 285
The article is devoted to hedging as one of the optimum methods of all methods of currency risk management. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the method of hedging were examined and we also defined the role of financial derivatives in the foreign exchange market. The classification of key derivatives risk management is examined. Concepts of contango and backwardation are considered, and the scheme of the correlation of spot and futures prices is provided. An analysis is conducted for the basic hedging strategies market derivatives currency. Dynamics of the dollar against the ruble over the past few years is detailed. The article notes that in connection with the crisis phenomena in world economy the problem of high volatility in markets has gained prominence. Various aspects of the impact of changes in foreign exchange rates on the operations of Russian companies are analyzed. The importance of considering the hedging transactions and the need to comply with the requirements of International financial reporting standards (IFRS) in order to prosperous insurance risks is emphasized. The article reveals hedging of currency risks in Russia with the help of financial market instruments. The practical examples of these methods using financial derivatives are given. Problems are investigated and the future prospects of development of the derivatives market in Russia are proposed
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abstract 1321708081 issue 132 pp. 1045 – 1055 31.10.2017 ru 285
The transformation of the Russian economy directed to transition to the sixth technological way shall rely on the perspective ideas, one of which is the idea reproductive neo - industrialization. It is revealed that reproductive neo - industrialization initiates three interdependent processes in the internal environment of economic systems processes: 1) restoration of own potential of development of these systems; 2) decapitalization of the institutional status that allows to realize dismantling of the mechanism of movement of these systems; 3) restoration of internal homogeneity of these systems, that is, their homogenization, support of harmony of communications of elements. The article offers an algorithm of financial and investment support reproductive neo - industrialization by means of which it is possible to solve a complex problem of attraction of investments into the economic systems of depressive type. It is defined, that the happening technological conversions directed to transition of the Russian economy to the sixth technological way bring new opportunities of movement of the dummy capital to life. According to the author, within economies of depressive type the cross-border fund of support of the innovations oriented on institutional changes and also specialized stock exchange of securities of hi-tech issuers on which site investment of financial innovations shall be carried out is popular