Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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abstract 1171603001 issue 117 pp. 1 – 51 31.03.2016 ru 981
The article proposes to use the automated systemcognitive analysis (ASC-analysis) and its software tool which is "Eidos" system to solving multiparameter typing, system identification and cartographic visualization of spatially-distributed natural, environmental and socio-economic systems. Imagine, that we have an original point cloud with coordinates (X,Y,Z), each with known values of gradation descriptive scales of nominal, ordinal, or numeric type S(s1,s2,...,sn). Then the "Eidos" system provides: 1) building a model that contains generalized knowledge about the strength and the direction of the influence of descriptive gradations of scales at Z=M(S); 2) estimation of the values of Z for points (X,Y) described in the same descriptive scales S(s1,s2,...,sn), but not a part of the original point cloud; 3) a cartographic visualization of the spatial distribution of values of the function Z=M(S) for points outside the initial cloud, using Delaunay triangulation. Basically, this means that the "Eidos" system ensures recovery of the unknown function values on the grounds of the argument and implements it in a generic setting, independent of subject area. We propose a new scientific concept called "Geo-cognition system", which is defined as a software system that provides conversion of source data into information, and knowledge in visualization and mapping of this knowledge, resulting in the cognitive map becomes graphics. This feature can be used to quantify the degree of suitability of the watersheds for cultivation of certain crops, the evaluation of the ecological situation on particular territories on the structure and intensity of anthropogenic load, visualization of results of forecasting of earthquakes and other unwanted risks or emergencies, as well as for solving many other similar mathematical essence of tasks in a variety of subject areas. We have also shown a simple numerical example
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abstract 1211607070 issue 121 pp. 1121 – 1135 30.09.2016 ru 703
In this article, we consider images of corn plant on the example of painting, ceramics, postcards, Soviet propaganda poster, porcelain and post stamps. We have shown the technology of education process. The first is the creation of the of illustration images, the second are the analysis, comparison, interpretation and searching for new information. The method of sketches as the basis of education technology is used in this article. The analysis of corn plants depiction collected in the library of images, i.e. iconography, was provided to send the information about the history and speed of spread of corn plant in Europe and to select the species peculiarities, the cultivation technology and using in Russia. In addition, the anomalies of corn plant, development of their reflection in painting are noted. The history of genetic researches of this plant is demonstrated in this work. On the examples of great artists’ works, we have reflected species varieties of corn plant, as well as the phenomenon of xenia; we have also touched the questions of mobile genetic elements. In this works, we have pointed the features of cultivation of corn in Russia, demonstrated the popularization of this cereal. The main idea of the base images is receiving new knowledge about an object by means of collecting images, visual analysis, search for information and study material. The new approach is obtaining new knowledge, which is a motivated and fascinating method of gathering new scientific information
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abstract 1001406021 issue 100 pp. 394 – 408 30.06.2014 ru 1345
The drawbacks of the existing ontology languages and problems of their practical application are discussed in this paper. The requirements for the process of ontologies creating are laid down. A simplified method of constructing the ontological domain model on the basis of the original language SXML is proposed
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abstract 1181604108 issue 118 pp. 1637 – 1650 29.04.2016 ru 593
This article presents the results of the use of feed concentrate from vegetable raw materials called "Sarepta" in the amount of 5, 7.5% and 10% by weight of the feed, instead of sunflower meal in the feeding of Russian sturgeons. Studies have been conducted among 3 year old Russian sturgeons in the conditions of PRIBOY company in the Bykovsky district of the Volgograd region. The experiment lasted 24 weeks. Replacing sunflower meal with a product of processing of oilseeds - feed concentrate Sarepta, made from vegetable raw materials, in the composition of feed for sturgeons had a positive effect on live weight, absolute, average daily and relative gains and costs of feed. The use of "Sarepta" feed concentrate, made from vegetable raw materials in the feeding of Russian sturgeon contributes to the increase of live weight of 3.1-6.0 per cent, an absolute increase of live weight by 5.07-9.82 percent, and average daily and relative body weight increase. It was also found, that we had a decrease in feed consumption during the period of experience in the experimental groups. Morphological and biochemical parameters in experimental fish in all groups were within the physiological norm, which indicates a normally occurring redox processes in the body