Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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Baidin Dmitriy Alekseevich

Scholastic degree


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Honorary rank


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Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostychev

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Articles count: 1

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abstract 1071503031 issue 107 pp. 443 – 458 31.03.2015 ru 1125
Modern condition agricultural transport (a significant part of it about 70%) is characterized by a strong deterioration of the rolling stock, the unsatisfactory state of the production base. More than 30% of vehicles operated outside the normative service life, the rest approaching to that state. In general, the provision of agrarian and industrial complex with agricultural vehicles is way below agrotechnical requirements. In the long term, farm machine engineering should focus on indicators of the technical level achieved by best samples of foreign agricultural machinery. Priority development is likely to receive the development of innovative technologies that provide a significant increase in productivity, efficiency and resource conservation in agriculture. To address the shortcomings of transport services agrarian and industrial complex we should improve transport technology with the use of transport logistics, expand and update the existing vehicle fleet, but due to the low solvency of agricultural companies and high prices for of automotive engineering, the problem of providing agricultural vehicles becomes most acute. Thus, the creation of new science-based solutions in technology and engineering for transportation farm produce in terms of Russia's AIC is the actual scientific and technical task that contributes significantly to the development of the country, as well as enhances the enjoyment of breakeven, competitive manufacturing