Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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abstract 1111507025 issue 111 pp. 439 – 460 30.09.2015 ru 938
The archetype question especially sharply rises in connection with studying of elite communities. As the base, or speaking informatics language, as the archetype carrier, various structures having various natures can act. One of such structures is the historical consciousness which represents set of ideas, the views, feelings, representations, moods reflecting perception and an assessment of the past in all its variety inherent and characteristic both for society in general and for various demographic, social and professional and ethnographic groups, and also certain people. Historical memory, in fact, is expression of process of the organization, preservation and reproduction of last experience of the people, the country, state for its possible use in activity of people and for return of its influence to the sphere of public consciousness. Thus, historical memory not only is staticized, but also selective and personified. Therefore the knowledge of possible ways of development is extremely important at turns of eras as at entry into the critical period all system is in unstable situation, and, therefore, micro history, along with the archetypes occurring in historical consciousness, historical and cultural memory can play the solving both positive, and negative roles
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abstract 1121508040 issue 112 pp. 554 – 569 30.10.2015 ru 943
During the times of the Soviet Union, it was believed that the collective farm peasants were a class of the soviet society that formatted its social basis together with the working class and the people’s intellectuals. There was also an opinion that the collective farm peasants took an active part in construction of the communism and in ever more intensive development of productive forces in the agricultural sector. Evolution of the peasants was interpreted as follows: in course of preparation and actual realization of the social revolution along with subsequent reforms, the poorest peasants acting as ally of the proletariat became stronger in their revolutionary mood and gradually mastered certain elements of the proletarian ideology. Revolutionary enthusiasm and mood of the poorest peasants changed the consciousness of most working peasants for the benefit of collectivization. The latter created in its turn an objective basis of all peasants’ transformation to a quite new social class and formation of its socialist psychology. At the same time, the peasants were always under suspicion, which related to their petty-bourgeois nature. It should be mentioned that there was not any voluntary move of peasants from individualistic sentiments to collectivism. The transition to industrial methods in agriculture and to integration of peasants to collective farms was not caused by some abstract class feeling of the peasants but by the economic necessity and expedience for the country. Therefore, we can observe a substitution of sense platforms regarding this matter, which is ascertained and reasoned in this publication
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abstract 1041410051 issue 104 pp. 689 – 699 30.12.2014 ru 951
In this article in the light of a common social and philosophical traditions we present two trends, that define connection between science and material production: a trend of dependence of the science development from needs of production, and a trend of increasingly growing reverse impact of science on material production (along with engineering, technology, innovation). This article analyzes not only the individual elements of the "science-innovationsproduction", but also focuses on the study of the interaction and the relationship between its elements
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abstract 1111507023 issue 111 pp. 405 – 426 30.09.2015 ru 964
There was always a duality: the power – elite. In the Russian Empire it was the nobility. The service was not simply and not so much the policy tool, it reorganized also sluzhily estate that in turn made impact on the state institutes. The ruling class was consolidated that allowed to reach compromises with the government which realized many requirements of the nobility connected with service and rewarding for it managed to reconstruct significantly service not to the detriment of its intensity. On the other hand the power not always looked for compromise options. And the elite answered it with the same. Further these relations were transformed and developed already on other social substratum, and other economic component. Considering history of development and functioning in historical space of elite of the Russian Empire, and then and the USSR, it should be noted the similar regularities arising at their movement in time. First of all it is the instability of elite generating their split, and then and split of society that leads to different revolutionary shocks. Economic regulation of activity of elite at the time of the Empire not only didn't yield long-term positive results, but, on the contrary, were a step to devaluation of elite of that time, and further – to destructive revolutions. Thus, the conducted research allows to present more accurately need in all ways to try to avoid repetition of similar situations in the future
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abstract 1311707074 issue 131 pp. 904 – 913 29.09.2017 ru 965
The article reveals the thought of hermeneuticity of philosophy by its nature and methods of exposition. Philosophy is not technical, but personal. The study of personal philosophy is impossible without studying the life journey of the philosopher, considering the constitution of his soul and mind. Philosophy always contains a hidden sense that needs to be deployed. It proves the necessity of transition in teaching philosophy to the position of hermeneutics. Insight of philosophy should be sought in education. Only in a condition of insight does man find the direction of his life, reach the fullness of his being. The skill of philosophizing is available only to those who can talk with questions. Sense is born in a "live" dialogue. Asking about the known for the purpose of discovering the unknown sides of the object is the difference between philosophical thinking. Philosophical problematic is diverse and contradictory, and therefore, the existential purpose of philosophy, in the opinion of the authors, is self-interrogation. And philosophical questions do not always require an answer. Philosophical questions do not disappear anywhere; questions are more important than answers. Questions serve as symbols of constant movement and changeability. Uniformity and sameness is not inherent in philosophy. Philosophy is personal, original and impulsive, does not allow invariant judgments. Philosophy should be studied only using a philosophical method
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abstract 1051501006 issue 105 pp. 105 – 127 30.01.2015 ru 966
The main purpose of this study is to examine how language and its historically inherited content and structure allows accumulating knowledge and determines the development of the individuals, culture and science. The article shows the theoretical drawbacks of modern "pragmatic turn" in which language is depicted only as a derivate of natural, cultural and cognitive systems. Instead, it is stated that language, in addition to all of the above, have to be considered also as a relatively independent basis and one of the causes that determine individual and social development. For that reason, the study examines the system nature of language, thought and culture, their environmental and social "embeddiness", a close relationship with other sign systems and with various forms of social activities. From that point, theoretical reduction of multiple relations and varying causes in complex ecological and social systems only to bilateral relations of language-thought, language-culture are revised. Particular attention is paid to the role of language in the accumulation and systematization of scientific knowledge and the transmission of cultural traditions. In that context, language is seen as part of the non-genetic inheritance systems, "social a priori" that determines the content and creates conditions for cumulative social evolution. Therefore, it is maintained that the comprehensive studies of language and its significance for culture and science have to embrace within a systems approach both the linguistic and pragmatic "turns"
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abstract 1131509001 issue 113 pp. 1 – 32 30.11.2015 ru 1004
On the one hand, man is a physical object and a person. Therefore, we interact with the reality, on one hand, directly as a physical object, but on the other hand as a person, i.e. indirectly through our psyche. On the basis of information from the senses, the consciousness of a person creates a subjective model of reality. A man mistakes his subjective model of reality for reality itself, i.e. unnecessarily assigns an ontological status, by the hypostatizations. In fact, as the reality a man perceives not reality itself, but only its subjective model of that reality. As a result, as a physical object, a person lives in the physical world, and as a person he lives in his subjective model of physical and social reality created on the basis of information coming to his senses directly and from the media. This work considers the process of formation of subjective 3D models reality based of large numbers of 2D images, a distinction is made in the content of terms: "Seeing" and "Sensing"; it also analyzes the transformation of objective facts into subjective perceptions of consciousness and back. As a result of hypostatizations of subjective models of reality, we may observe the same effects as in virtual reality (a reality effect; the effect of the presence; the effect of depersonalization; the effect of virtualization goals, values, and motivations). So, there is every reason to consider different subjective models of reality generated by different forms of consciousness, the virtual models. We study various consequences of these statements
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abstract 1041410052 issue 104 pp. 700 – 709 30.12.2014 ru 1014
The article analyzes the concept and the specific of science, discusses some patterns of functioning, integration and differentiation of modern science. We consider the difference of science and knowledge, nonexistence of sharp distinctions between the terms “science”, “innovation” and “engineering”
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abstract 1051501009 issue 105 pp. 187 – 208 30.01.2015 ru 1036
The article considers current trends and unsolved problems in studies of the origin and evolution of communication in nature. Distinctive features of natural language, its biological, cognitive and sociocultural foundations are revised from the perspectives of new findings in this field. The article also investigates the main characteristics of primal and basic forms of "communication" (e.g. in bacteria and plants). It is argued that to them are more applicable non-representational models of communication, because they are not based on the representation of meanings or the processes of cognition and interpretation. On the example of the acoustic signals of birds and primates it is shown that they have such linguistic features as referentiality, plasticity and sociocultural heritability. Discovery of the faculty, for instance in some species of birds, for a "semantically compositional communication" ("semantic compositionality"), reveals also the presence of the "protosyntax" in animal communication. Considered studies enable to bring together features of communication in nature and natural language and to see the evolution of communication as the more gradualistic process than previously thought. Nevertheless, it is emphasized that there is a need for the development in the modern studies the socio-cultural approaches to communication that take into account the non-genetic inheritance system and the cumulative nature of culture
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abstract 1101506018 issue 110 pp. 293 – 308 30.06.2015 ru 1036
Creation of a new educational institution is always a big event. However, educational institutions do not use to appear in a spontaneous and unexpected way. Such appearance requires public necessity and expedience. In this very way, the institute of veterinary was created in Vitebsk in its time in 1924 and later transformed to Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine which became one of the leading higher schools in this industry in USSR and the only educational institution in this specialty in the Republic of Belarus. The article covers such aspects of the academy work as involving students in the scientific activities and the book culture. Another issue of the article is development of auxiliary departments, such as economics, politology and philosophy, economic history and theory, computer literacy, the work of which make an indispensable contribution to education of a comprehensively developed specialist capable of professional growth and improvement. Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, with due regard for the experience accumulated by it, is the leader in formation of highly educated and skilled specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and biotechnology and in training of comprehensively competent experts as well, who have got noble moral and ethical principles and obtained substantial knowledge in humanities, who can convert this knowledge from theory into practice as appropriate