Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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abstract 1321708018 issue 132 pp. 231 – 238 31.10.2017 ru 272
One of perspective variants of development of the meat industry can become the production of foodstuffs from untraditional kinds of the meat raw materials such as the rabbit meat, which has a high protein content with a full number of essential amino acids, broad spectra of the mineral substances and vitamins and reduced fat content. Therefore, a demand on the rabbit meat has been increased significantly in the past years. Rabbit meat is widely used in various culinary dishes of the dietary nutrition. Rabbit meat is used in limited scales for production of sausages. The production of the delicacy sterling foodstuffs from the rabbit meat, that are capable for long-term storage, is almost not developed. The regulated requirements for quality of rolls that are included in Technical Conditions are set up in accordance with the developed recipe and technology of production of the smoked-boiled rolls from the rabbit meat. All the foodstuff samples gained high scores on the organoleptic estimation. The foodstuffs satisfy the requirements for chemical composition: mass fraction of protein – no less than 20%, mass fraction of fat – no more than 25%, mass fraction of moisture – no more than 65%. The developed delicacy foodstuffs have a high nutritional and biological value
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abstract 1321708020 issue 132 pp. 249 – 264 31.10.2017 ru 668
The systemic links that depend on mechanization, which affect the growth of the cost price of field crop production were proposed and their analysis was made. Three main blocks of the basic reasons for production costs growth (machinery and materials cost rise, agroecological potential underutilization, agrotechnologies non-observance) disclose agricultural machinery and agrotechnologies of field crops negative aspects that are being used, and also explain agro-potential underutilization causes on the example of the Krasnodar region. The irrational nomenclative list of machines in the current system was analyzed, which not only raises field crop production cost price, but also negatively affects the soil fertility due to its reconsolidation and spraying. Requirements for production processes mechanization means, taking into account their cost price reduction, were formulated. The possibilities for optimizing of the field works timing performed by the proposed agricultural machinery, their quality improving and product damage reducing, as well as work complexity with coinciding terms, streamlining and rhythmicity of processes were formulated. Taking into account the system approach, the imbalance between the agro-industrial complex and management forms was reflected in the weak interrelation of their interests with state interests, which also affects the cost price of production. The negative aspects of the machine system for the mechanization of field crop cultivation were revealed. A special effect should be expected from the proposed combination of technological operations in one pass of the machine across the field due to full-scale adaptations to machines, the ratio of the park of caterpillar and wheel tractors and the work complexity. On the basis of these studies, proposals for traumatization reducing of grain by harvesting equipment and the cost of crop losses from trauma, as well as the regularities of the area of damage to grain from grain vitality have been substantiated. The reasons of production cost price increase are connected with attracting investment issues and managing innovative activities of introducing priority means of mechanization (concessional lending, subsidies, etc.)
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abstract 1321708022 issue 132 pp. 277 – 287 31.10.2017 ru 395
The article is devoted to increasing beekeeping’s earning capacity with rigging and automation of technological processes. Winter is the most complicated and critical period in beekeeping. It influences on further productivity of bee colony. Winter period has specificity – bees are gathering in winter cluster and sustaining temperature in 24…32 °С range inside. This temperature is depending on fluctuation of outside air temperature. For passing winter without complication electric heating is used. Cluster geometry in winter is changing constantly and for optimal regime of electric heating we need to take it into account. Additionally, bees’ activity changing beehive’s microclimate and it’s important to know when beehive’s microclimate adaptive control system is developed. Conducted researches allow us to get basic equations which characterizes microclimate with taking into account of winter cluster’s variable geometry. The equations establish linkage basic parameters of beehive, winter cluster, internal air between outdoor air. Simulation results may be used for adaptive heating control system programming. Additionally, it may be used in special-purpose software for beehive’s microclimate simulation
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abstract 1321708028 issue 132 pp. 346 – 365 31.10.2017 ru 411
The article describes the purpose, the device, the technological process of work, and also the justification of the parameters and operating modes of the sorting nozzles of the seed separator by weight, dividing individually the seeds of agricultural crops according to their individual weight, thus ensuring the selection of seeds with a large supply of nutrients, the energy of germination and the growth force contributing to the formation of the crop
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abstract 1321708029 issue 132 pp. 366 – 375 31.10.2017 ru 321
The technique relates to the area of distribution of key information in cryptographic communication systems. The purpose of the work was to solve the problem of increasing the speed of distribution of key information for special bodies of federal bodies of critical facilities in the conditions of network-centric management and creating alternative options for the distribution of key information when key documents are compromised to special equipment. By applying the methodology, a solution to this problem is achieved by applying a key distribution method based on asymmetric cryptography using symmetric polynomials
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abstract 1321708032 issue 132 pp. 399 – 424 31.10.2017 ru 1085
The authors have developed classification tools for grinding feeds and the most promising directions in the development of tools for the grinding of forages in reducing energy and metal consumption. We have described chopper stem of feed, which provides high performance and good quality of product. In the article, there is an analysis of existing methods of grinding coarse fodder and their classification. The work presents examples of application of stationary and mobile crushers for crushing of grain and roughage, the technical parameters of the equipment for preparation of feed for feeding
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abstract 1321708040 issue 132 pp. 484 – 492 31.10.2017 ru 362
The tillage with moldboard plows is one of the energy-intensive operations in farming. In view of this, the search of the energy saving solutions and tillage aggregates receives priority. The use of rotary tillage tools based on the working body-mover with elliptic blades, which horizontal soil reaction parts are directed to favoring grade of the aggregate, and, therefore, apart from the performing engineering perform the body-mover functions, - is one of the effective ways of the energy cost reduction. The authors offer the development of the rotary cultivators based on the working body-mover with elliptic blades. The change of their design values allows the development of various profiles tools. The use of these working bodies based on rotary cultivators will allow the energy cost reduction by the tillage process, especially in the compartments of terrain, as the use of tractors with moldboard plows for the main tillage is problematic. In many cases, these lots must be labored manually. The article describes the construction, generalizes the mechanical specifications and working modes of the rotary cultivator at the main tillage
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abstract 1321708042 issue 132 pp. 508 – 517 31.10.2017 ru 594
In this article, an algorithm and a forecasting model for a set of informative parameters are proposed. These parameters describe the technical condition of power plant engines with a possibility of estimating the forecast error
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abstract 1321708045 issue 132 pp. 559 – 568 31.10.2017 ru 385
Signals with the sinusoidal minimum (frequency) shift-keying (SMSK) which impulse form depends on parameter µ are considered. Expression for power spectral density (PSD) of SMSK signals at various values of parameter µ is obtained. Results of PSD calculations and effective bandwidth of signals by various criteria are presented
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abstract 1321708053 issue 132 pp. 645 – 654 31.10.2017 ru 420
The article deals with urgent questions concerning activities of woodworking industries, which face tough economic situation. Nevertheless, these enterprises reveal a definite growth of output in some kinds of products, such as fuel pellets, window units, special timber assortments, etc. The problems about possible risks connected with equipment handling were identified, which has physical and intellectual wear, as most of it has been operating since 1980. On the basis of accomplished investigations of normative and technical sources the documents were specified, which establish safety regulations for operating equipment and requirements for risk assessment techniques. The necessity of their improvement is also determined. Taking into consideration peculiarities of management of woodworking production process, the analysis was carried out in order to estimate the factors, which influence the quality of mechanical treatment by the method of 5M. Following the observations and processing of statistical data it was established that equipment and personnel show the greatest impact on the quality of half-finished and final products. Risks evaluation method for woodworking industries is suggested with due account for equipment safety parameters, which includes determination of consequences, risk probability, risk level on scale factored “high”, “medium” and “low”. Much attention is paid to the items composed: rank matrix of two-factor model, with calculations of numerical values of risks, as product probability of occurrence and severity of consequences, and risk log. Three zones were appointed with the following risk levels: the first zone with weighting factor not less than 6, the second zone: 8-16, the third: 20-25. In course of investigation, it was detected that the highest risk factor, connected with equipment operation, is probability of mechanical injuries of hands and most possible – getting cuts. The flow chart of risks management during the woodworking production process is offered in accordance with all Union State Standard regulations R ISO 9001-2015 and GOST R ISO/MAC 31010-2011. The developed algorithm provides accomplishing performance of work on risks management in more available and short form with presentation of processing operations, actual doers, kinds of required normative documents and papers worked out within the enterprise