Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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abstract 1541910010 issue 154 pp. 94 – 103 30.12.2019 ru 190
The problem of linear motion of agricultural transporting vehicle (ATV) without satellite systems is a complex and difficult task. The consequences of non-linear movement associated with irregularity fertilizing, non-compliance between the rows and irregularity plowing leads which will leads to unnecessary costs for operating materials, which will causes significant economics damage to agricultural enterprises. In this case. In this article, we have presented theoretical foundations of simulation modeling of the course motion of the ATV taking into account wheel slipping for analyzing the effects of non-linear motion. There were also some results of checking their adequacy from field tests
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abstract 1582004005 issue 158 pp. 54 – 67 30.04.2020 ru 190
In the article we performed an analysis and generalization of the accumulated results of scientific research and best practices in the problem of creating and using machines and technologies in field cultivation of the Krasnodar region; their shortcomings are revealed, as well as ways and means of increasing the efficiency of field crop production through innovative technology machines. Attention is paid to eliminating the violation of agrotechnical, environmental requirements, complexity and quality work performed by serial equipment; unreasonably dependent nomenclature of technical means and high labor costs and means compared with foreign technologies, proposals have been developed for a system of machines for mechanizing field cultivation, which includes the I450 mobile power tool, Belarus tractor 1523 and 890, the fertilizer sprayer TUNAN-1, E5-1, KZR combines -12 and CF-10, a fundamentally new loop of cars for mobile power is based on multifunctional units, assembled from serial single-operation machines according to the inventions of KubSAU, and machine technologies based on the use of multifunctional units strictly comply with the farming system and the fulfillment of the above requirements. The transition of agricultural enterprises to new technologies for the production of field products is justified, including a “non-spring” for cereals, legumes and oilseeds, a new system of tractors and trailed combines that are not inferior to self-propelled, but much cheaper. The new mechanization system provides a breakthrough in the efficient production of crop production in accordance with the estimated technical and economic indicators
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abstract 1592005009 issue 159 pp. 133 – 146 29.05.2020 ru 190
Large areas under commercial rice in many countries of the world including Russia are infested with weed-field red grain forms of rice. In the nineties of the XX century new red grain forms of rice appeared in the rice commercial fields of the Krasnodar region; these plants differed little from the morphotype of the variety in morphological characteristics. Such plants were difficult to distinguish and remove during varietal weeding. The increased content of red rice grains among the elite seeds leads to the rejection of such crops, thus reducing the economic efficiency of the seed production. Researchers do not have a single opinion on the origin of the new forms of the red grain rice. Various assumptions are made on mutations, unlocking of epigene of the pericarp coloration of the caryopsis to return to the ancestral red grain forms, and cross-pollination between cultivated and red grain rice. In 2014-2018 a methodological experiment on artificial hybridization between the white grain variety and rice varieties with colored pericarp of the grains (Mars and Yuzhnaya Noch) was carried out to discover the origin of these new forms of the red grain rice. The article presents an analysis of hybrids of direct and reverse crosses between the white grain variety Snezhinka, having an amylose long grain, and the black grain variety Yuzhnaya Noch with a glutinous short grain. As a result of artificial hybridization, a new initial material was received with a different type of grain in shape, color and consistency of the endosperm. This material is of significant interest for further breeding and genetic research. When evaluating hybrid plants obtained by direct crossing Snezhinka / Yuzhnaya Noch and reverse crossing Yuzhnaya Noch / Snezhinka, a significant influence of the maternal cytoplasm on the formation of quality signs of endosperm has been revealed. This must be considered when planning such studies. An analysis of the economically valuable traits of the received hybrid material brings a conclusion that the new red grain forms in the commercial rice varieties may appear as a result of spontaneous hybridization between red grain and white grain rice
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abstract 1471903031 issue 147 pp. 174 – 179 29.03.2019 ru 191
This article is devoted to the study of various laboratory tests for the diagnosis of viral peritonitis of cats, conducted in 2014-2018. The study was subjected to 278 cats of both sexes, different breeds and mongrel, of different ages, which were taken to the veterinary clinic «Vita» and the veterinary clinic «Noah's Ark» in Krasnodar. Analysis of the results showed that in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of viral peritonitis of cats, the most resultant is a combination of studies of Globulin in serum and a test for antibodies to coronavirus, or a solid enzyme immunoassay (tIFA) on IgG to coronavirus. In addition to clinical symptoms, routine laboratory studies, instrumental studies for the diagnosis of viral cat peritonitis, it is necessary to use additional research methods, although many of them have a number of shortcomings in sensitivity and specificity
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abstract 1602006014 issue 160 pp. 185 – 193 30.06.2020 ru 192
The cost-effectiveness of animal husbandry in the conditions of Yakutia causes irreparable damage to viral diseases, such as salmonellosis, viral hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and others. Based on this, in animal husbandry, increased attention is paid to the prevention of viral diseases. The work was carried out in the period from 2009 to 2012. in the conditions of LLC "Pokrovskoye animal husbandry" of the Khangalassky ulus of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Boning of young animals showed that all his indicators were higher for pups born in 2011. So body size and physique are rated higher by 15.15%, in males - by 20.58%. Hair color was better in females by 19.44%, in males by 22.66%. As a result, the classiness of the animals of the experimental groups was higher than that of pups born in 2010. The commodity properties of the animal products of experimental animals and its cost are consistent with the results of the valuation. The offset on the quality of the fur products of the experimental groups in 2011 was determined at 89.02%, which is higher than the 2010 results by 10.32%. The average cost of one fur of a silver-black fox in 2011 was 2225.62 rubles. Additional vaccination of the main herd of foxes in autumn against the viral diseases with the vaccine "Multikan-6" has a positive effect on the quality of the fur products. The economic effect amounted to 258.62 rubles per 1 skin of a silver-black fox (at 2020 prices)
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abstract 1541910012 issue 154 pp. 119 – 131 30.12.2019 ru 193
The article presents data from 3-year observations of the weather conditions influence on the effectiveness of applied fertilizers in the crops of the Yantar variety of coriander on leached black soil (chernozem) under the conditions of land use at the training and experimental station of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The materials presented in the article indicate that the agrometeorological conditions of 2016 and 2017 as a whole were most favorable for the formation of a coriander crop. As studies have shown, the amount of precipitation during the spring-summer period of the growing season of the crop was 337 mm, which is 11% higher than the long-term average. The year 2018 in terms of climatic indicators turned out to be significantly worse than the previous two years, the amount of precipitation during the coriander vegetation period turned out to be 125 mm or 58% lower than the long-term average, which significantly affected the crop yield this year. In the most optimal agroclimatic indicators in 2016, the maximum increase in crop productivity was noted on the N60P60K60 variant - 0.49 t / ha, on the same option in moistened 2017, the increase level was 0.39 t / ha. Last year2018 was marked as extremely arid, the maximum increase in coriander yield was noted on the option with P60 and amounted to 0.35 t / ha. It was established that the maximum increase in the yield of coriander oil seeds on average in the experiment on leached chernozem was achieved with the options: P60 is 0.37 t / ha, N60P60 is 0.41 t / ha, N60P60K60 is 0.34 t / ha, which significantly higher than other fertilized experience options. The economic efficiency of the coriander seeds production, depending on the types and combinations of minerals, turned out to be most effective when applying a single mineral fertilizer, P60, compared with other options for experience, an increase in profit to 17500 rubles and the level of profitability of production by 23%
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abstract 1572003012 issue 157 pp. 145 – 169 31.03.2020 ru 193
The new paradigm of mathematical research methods allows us to give a systematic analysis of various statements of statistical analysis problems and methods for solving them, based on a probabilistic-statistical model of generating data accepted by the researcher. Methods for testing the homogeneity of two independent samples - a classic area of mathematical statistics. For more than 110 years since the publication of the fundamental Student’s article, various criteria have been developed for testing the statistical hypothesis of homogeneity in various statements, and their properties have been studied. However, the need for streamlining the totality of the scientific results found is urgent. It is necessary to analyze the whole variety of problem statements for testing the statistical hypotheses of the homogeneity of two independent samples, as well as the corresponding statistical criteria. This analysis is devoted to this article. It contains a summary of the main results concerning the methods for testing the homogeneity of two independent samples, and a comparative study of them, allowing the system to analyze the diversity of such methods in order to select the most appropriate for processing specific data. Based on the basic probabilistic-statistical model, the main statements of the problem of testing the homogeneity of two independent samples are formulated. A comparative analysis of the Student and Cramer - Welch criteria, designed to test the homogeneity of mathematical expectations, is given, a recommendation on the widespread use of the Cramer - Welch criterion is substantiated. From nonparametric methods for testing homogeneity, the criteria of Wilcoxon, Smirnov, Lehmann - Rosenblatt are considered. Dismantled two myths about the Wilcoxon criteria. Based on the analysis of the publications of the founders, the incorrectness of the term "Kolmogorov – Smirnov criterion" is shown. To verify absolute homogeneity, i.e. coincidence of the distribution functions of samples, it is recommended to use the Lehmann - Rosenblatt criterion. The current problems of the development and application of nonparametric criteria are discussed, including the difference between nominal and real significance levels, making it difficult to compare power of criteria, and the need to take into account coincidences of sample values (from the point of view of the classical theory of mathematical statistics, the probability of coincidences is 0)
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abstract 1511907002 issue 151 pp. 15 – 23 30.09.2019 ru 194
Rice is a crop with high yields guaranteed by nature itself. In recent years, huge changes have occurred in the domestic rice cultivation, but despite this, there are still a lot of unsolved relevant problems. One of such problems is the development of high yielding varieties. The success of breeding largely depends on the availability of genetically diverse starting material with a wide response to changing environmental conditions, its knowledge and proper selection; as well as the identification of new sources of valuable traits and properties, among ecologically remote agro-types that enrich the genetic potential of domestic varieties. Development of a high-yielding variety is greatly influenced by economically important traits: plant height, total and productive tillering, the number of spikelets and grains in the panicle, grain size, weight of 1000 grains, etc. In modern biological science of heredity, there is still the question of the inheritance of quantitative traits. The study of inheritance of quantitative traits constituting the main elements of the yield structure is one of the most important tasks, the solution of which is necessary to speed up the breeding process. Inheritance of any trait is often determined by researchers by the magnitude of the dominance coefficient
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abstract 1511907006 issue 151 pp. 56 – 61 30.09.2019 ru 194
For the effective development of modern industrial gardening, it is necessary to maximize the use of the biological potential of cultivated varieties of fruit crops. In order to identify the most valuable for use in breeding and production of varieties and elite forms of apple regional and foreign selection studied the features of growth and fruiting of apple genotypes. The objects of study are 14 varieties and 2 elite forms of apple. In the work, programs and methods of selection and sorting studies that are generally accepted and developed with the participation of employees of the FSBSI NCFSCHVW were used. According to the results of many years of research, low-growing apple varieties that are promising for breeding and production have been identified: the Golden Crown, Carmen, Favorite Dutovoy, Red Chif, Sunrise, Novella, Talisman, and the elite form 12/2-20-35. Low-growing varieties with a convenient vertical crown are distinguished: Carmen, Favorite Dutovoy, Red Chief. Selected varieties of regional breeding: immune to scab Carmen and highly resistant to scab Favorite Dutovoy, possessing a complex of significant features: fruitful, low growth, with a vertical form of crown as the most valuable for use in breeding and production
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abstract 1511907017 issue 151 pp. 200 – 210 30.09.2019 ru 194
The article discusses the need to control the technological parameters of wheat germination. A method of intensification of this process is proposed by pretreatment of grain with ultrasonic effect using the ULTA-0.63 / 22-OL apparatus UZTA-0.63 / 22-OL, Biysk. We have evaluated various modes of ultrasonic processing of the grain and their effect on the germination energy and the total number of nested and sprouted grains. We have also conducted optimization of grain processing conditions during germination. Based on the technological capabilities of the device and the optimal modes of ultrasonic exposure, the following exposure parameters were determined: 340 W and 5 minutes of exposure (soft wheat grain) and 397 W and 6 minutes of exposure (grain of durum wheat). The authors note that the intensification of this process significantly depends on varieties and qualities of wheat grain, since the process is complex and depends on many parameters. The use of ultrasonic treatment allows intensifying the soaking process and reducing the duration of this technological operation up to 6 hours for both samples of grain of soft and durum wheat. At the same time, for the necessary moistening of the grain, a ratio of water and grain for 1: 1 is sufficient, since there were no significant differences in the intensity of grain moistening