Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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abstract 1081504032 issue 108 pp. 444 – 455 30.04.2015 ru 1031
In the article methodological and practical basics of development and deployment of controlling in logistic systems are covered. The main objectives and instruments of controlling of logistics in activities of the organization are opened. The example of use of controlling in logistic systems is given. The main task of controlling in logistic systems consists in realization of an operating control behind profitability and the best passing of processes of warehousing and transportation material and transfers of non-material resources of the organization
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abstract 1081504039 issue 108 pp. 533 – 556 30.04.2015 ru 1304
In the article we have developed a methodology to assess the effectiveness of various types of military and economic activities, the effectiveness of which determines the value of the defense capabilities of the state; we have also revealed the economic substance of defense capabilities and combat readiness of troops, justified approaches to determining the significance of ongoing military-oriented activities, identified main activities of the specific conditions of defense industries which leave their marks on the cost-effectiveness in the production of material resources for the Russian military service. The analysis of the flow direction of monetary environment of estimated units indicates that the current practice of planning and cost accounting is not fully adapted for military-economic analysis of measures to ensure the establishment of the defense capabilities of the state, and this makes it difficult to study and make recommendations to improve the efficiency of the use of military and economic resources. The authors propose a unified system of methodological support planning, estimating the size of consumed resources (regardless of funding source) and attainable defense results. Methodical resolution of this problem is based on the use of program-target approach to modeling the processes of the defense-industrial complex and the structural elements of the military organization. The article substantiates that the evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of defense capabilities should be carried out not only by the criterion of "cost - effect", but with all the manifestations of the time factor. In the most general form of the criterion of effectiveness should be provided by the triad "cost - effect - time." An important result of this study is also in the development of the integral index of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of military and economic
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abstract 1081504046 issue 108 pp. 633 – 642 30.04.2015 ru 905
The article highlights the food value of buckwheat. It is said that the achievement of its biological potential under prevailing conditions of cultivation is impossible without the introduction of modern scientific and technical progress. The authors describe variants of integrated application of growth stimulants and microfertilizers in buckwheat production technology. Recommended technologies have been tested in conditions of the Central Chernozem region. It is revealed that the best variant of pre-sowing seed treatment is the combination of Epin-extra and Rexolin ABS. Conbination of Epin-extra and Speedfol B is the best variant of treatment of vegetating plants, providing the maximum yield increase in comparison with control variant (without treatments). Economic efficiency of all proposed technologies was studied. The system of indicators was chosen, which evaluate the efficiency of 36 variants of seed and plant treatment with growth stimulants and microfertilizers. A comparative analysis of variants demonstrated that the application of Speedfol B in combination with EPIN-extra and Rexolin ABS is most cost-effective and profitable. It is noted that the final choice of combination of growth stimulants and microfertilizers will depend on the specific conditions of cultivation. Recommendations are given
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abstract 1081504048 issue 108 pp. 654 – 668 30.04.2015 ru 1000
Theoretical, transformational and practical provisions for the development and regulation of small businesses and farms in the country's economy and agriculture are being cleared up. In the process of studying the problem we used logical reasoning, methods of comparing, and monographic, economic and statistical methods also. It is shown that small farming forms (SFF) in agriculture are essential for progressive development of agriculture, which is now recognized as a growth point of import substitution in all national economy. Given the author's interpretation of the category definition "small farming form" in agriculture differs from other definitions, in a more complete evaluation and statistics, provisions regarding private cottages and households as the SFF, their locality of functioning, independence in taking risks, increased adaptation, economic and legal binding, spectrum of production. The article shows the history of definitions of small business and small farming forms, stages of small business development, the scope of its practice abroad and in our country. It is said that a leading role in the formation of small farms belonged to households, which are still playing a leading role in production of agricultural products for their own consumption (without selling on the market). It is noted that at the present stage of industrial transformation of small businesses and small farms they often have a low mechanization level, high cost structure of manual labor. They have problems in adapting to the sector of services, in embedding into a complex system of relationships with medium and large business on the basis of technological specialization and also promoting innovation. It is emphasized that today the growing role of small businesses, small farms makes it more pragmatic to assess the prospects of development of this sector in our country
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abstract 1081504052 issue 108 pp. 679 – 701 30.04.2015 ru 915
The article presents an analysis of the theoretical and conceptual foundations of innovation and innovation activities. The study revealed the following classification features of innovations: scope, object, cause of beginnings, stages of STA, which resulted in the innovation, the degree of intensity, the depth of changes, novelty, the pace of innovation realization, the scale of innovation, a place in the enterprise, productivity, innovation effectiveness, nature of the need. The final result of innovation is not only to get economic but also scientific and technological, social, ecological and other effects. The innovation process in poultry is turned directly to the introduction of new ideas on the stages of production. Poultry farming is a dynamic, growing sector of the domestic agricultural complex, the most precocious branch of livestock, characterized by high production efficiency. The cost-effectiveness of producers’ innovation is reflected by net discount profit, profitability index, the period of payback discounted costs and internal rate of return of the project. It was found that one of the most pressing issues arising at the moment is the presence of international competition. It is necessary to solve a number of problems related to the improvement of product quality, effectiveness increase of applied technologies, favorable veterinary conditions on poultry farms. In the period of introduction of innovation technologies in the poultry it is necessary to prepare promptly the personnel which will be working with the new equipment and new technologies
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abstract 1081504057 issue 108 pp. 779 – 791 30.04.2015 ru 1009
The article is devoted to the important problem of competitiveness of agricultural production. The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation up to 2020 focuses on increasing the competitiveness of domestic producers and the ecologization of products. In modern conditions of Russia's economic sanctions and limited domestic commodity producers are significantly affected. The development of the competitiveness of individual enterprises is possible in case of forming of clearly-defined economic consumer - demand oriented policy. The article provides interpretation of definition "competitiveness" by the various authors and highlights its substantial features. The dynamics of fruit plantations, volumes of croppage and productivity of fruit production are reviewed and analyzed. The areas of pome and drupaceous crops in specialized farms of Krasnodar region in 2013 grouped by fruit zones are presented in the article. The advantages of domestic producers over the western ones are presented in view of food embargo imposed to European food products by the Government of the Russian Federation. In these conditions it is necessary to continuously improve the competitiveness of the products at the expense of maximum compliance with consumer and cost characteristics of existing and potential demands of customers. The sociological research aimed at identifying the consumer demands to fruits and berries of the population of the city of Krasnodar was conducted. The research aimed at identifying factors influenced on the consumers while choosing fruit at the markets of the city of Krasnodar was conducted. The estimation of factors influencing on consumers' choice was conducted. The data has been presented in the ranking. The perspective courses of business entities' activities which orient on development of competitiveness in conditions of globalization, ecologization, institutional and economic constraints were determined
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abstract 1081504058 issue 108 pp. 792 – 816 30.04.2015 ru 858
Dynamic development of the agrarian sector of the economy of Kuban demands adequate improvement of social conditions of rural tenor of life. In the article we consider characteristics of housing and communal services and social infrastructure of the village, the loudspeaker of the area of rural housing stock, its structure and improvement in comparison with cities. The analysis of specific weight of the houses equipped with the sewerage, a central heating, hot water supply, bathtubs is carried out. Reduction of distinctions in arrangement of rural and city housing is revealed by the sewerage, heating, bathtubs, hot water supply. However, at the same time with a water supply system, the sewerage, heating, hot water supply by gas or floor electric stoves it is equipped less than a half of the area of housing in rural areas of Kuban. Reserves of improvement of quality of the existing roads and construction of new ones, especially between settlements of various administrative regions that can improve considerably the message between rural settlements are revealed and unload the main highways. We have shown the characteristics of preschool educational institutions and day educational schools, healthcare institutions and culture are provided in rural areas, the monetary income of villagers of Kuban. For factors of input of housing per one villager we present a matrix of pair coefficients of correlation received as a result of statistical data processing of the state statistics on municipalities of the Krasnodar region
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abstract 1081504060 issue 108 pp. 830 – 845 30.04.2015 ru 964
Management is considered as a service providing value creation in the corporation. Improving the quality of management and the formation of its competitive advantages is a priority. Controlling has a significant influence on the quality of management. However, for its implementation it is necessary to form the need to the head to establish a system of information - analytical management support. The survey of CEOs identified the lack of sustainable demand for controlling. The main source of the challenge for controlling is corporate executive. The reason of the lack of significant challenges to controlling lies in the existing system of management of corporations and, above all, in the person of the head. Formal and informal management as two complementary approaches, the components of the success of the head - the leader, the key characteristics of managerial behavior of the head and needs for intelligent management services were discussed in this article, a new concept of controlling as the management of intellectual service was offered
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abstract 1081504061 issue 108 pp. 846 – 859 30.04.2015 ru 896
In the article we describe the created automated software complex called “Financial expert”, adapted to the environment of 1C: Enterprise 8.3. This system is intended for a complex assessment of a financial and economic condition of companies of the construction branch on the basis of integration of diverse methods, such as probabilistic, fuzzy-production and neural. This program has no analogs in the Russian Federation and allows creating effective and adequate system of an assessment of a financial and economic condition of companies of the construction branch of the Krasnodar region. The software complex of "Financial Expert" has such opportunities as the analysis of a financial and economic condition of the enterprises of the construction branch with the help of: the cluster analysis, discriminant and regression models proposed in the thesis, as well as classic models: Fullman, Springeyt, the 2nd factorial, Taffler and Altman's model adapted for Russia; complex assessment of a condition of the construction enterprises by the analysis of quantitative and qualitative characteristics using fuzzy logic systems, including original structure and base of rules of fuzzy inference; an assessment of a financial and economic condition of the construction enterprises by means of neural networks. The software complex allows carrying out the comparative analysis of the models stated above at an assessment of a financial and economic condition of the particular company in the construction branch
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abstract 1081504062 issue 108 pp. 860 – 871 30.04.2015 ru 1000
In the article we describe the created automated software complex called “Financial expert” allowing to carry out a financial and economic assessment of the company on the basis of such models as Altman in various options, Springate, Taffler, 2 factor analysis, discriminant analysis, ratio analysis, fuzzy - set analysis method condition of the enterprise and neural network technology. The developed automated complex was created for the analysis of the condition of companies; it can be implemented in the Russian Federation and is used at the solution of problems of an assessment, the analysis and diagnostics of a financial and economic condition of companies. Using the "Financial Expert" software complex in the article we have examined the enterprises of the construction branch of the Krasnodar region (data taken from 2010 to 2012), the comparative analysis of different models and methods was also carried out. It was found that the classical model implemented by Western companies (Altman, Taffler, Springate) in less than 50% of cases gave the correct result, whereas the one that was adapted for Russian enterprises (R-accounts model) gave reliable results in 63% of cases. From the models and the methods proposed by the author, the weakest one was the method of cluster analysis, 75% of the remaining models showed a higher percentage of certainty