Scientific Journal of KubSAU

Polythematic online scientific journal
of Kuban State Agrarian University
ISSN 1990-4665
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abstract 1071503031 issue 107 pp. 443 – 458 31.03.2015 ru 1122
Modern condition agricultural transport (a significant part of it about 70%) is characterized by a strong deterioration of the rolling stock, the unsatisfactory state of the production base. More than 30% of vehicles operated outside the normative service life, the rest approaching to that state. In general, the provision of agrarian and industrial complex with agricultural vehicles is way below agrotechnical requirements. In the long term, farm machine engineering should focus on indicators of the technical level achieved by best samples of foreign agricultural machinery. Priority development is likely to receive the development of innovative technologies that provide a significant increase in productivity, efficiency and resource conservation in agriculture. To address the shortcomings of transport services agrarian and industrial complex we should improve transport technology with the use of transport logistics, expand and update the existing vehicle fleet, but due to the low solvency of agricultural companies and high prices for of automotive engineering, the problem of providing agricultural vehicles becomes most acute. Thus, the creation of new science-based solutions in technology and engineering for transportation farm produce in terms of Russia's AIC is the actual scientific and technical task that contributes significantly to the development of the country, as well as enhances the enjoyment of breakeven, competitive manufacturing
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abstract 1071503032 issue 107 pp. 459 – 472 31.03.2015 ru 975
An integral part of technological process for the cultivation of agricultural crop is the transportation issues. For their execution, we require significant energy and labor costs. The statistics show that the proportion of expenses for transportation of goods in agriculture reaches 25-40% of the total costs for ready-to-sale production, when the proportion of farm tractor transportations reaches 60% of the total. Thus, there are considerable losses of production, reaching in separate cases up to 50%. They are especially great in the harvesting and post-harvest cycles of crop production which is connected with crop damage during transportation. Large losses of fruit and vegetable products when transporting might be connected with their mechanical damage level during loading, unloading and transportation. This causes the urgency of the problem of preservation when transporting fruit and vegetables. One of the prior national issues is "... the development of directions to improve road transport maintenance with the aim of improving the quality of the transport process, which includes increasing commercial speed of freight flows by 2-3 times, increase productivity and profitability of road transport systems by 2-3 times, reducing the environmental load on nature by 20% ... " and others mentioned in the "Transport Strategy of Russia until 2020"
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abstract 1071503033 issue 107 pp. 473 – 483 31.03.2015 ru 1104
The article is devoted to the phase analysis as a tool preprocessor analysis of a multi-purpose center. Consider the time series of the daily number of requests received on the basis of the phase portraits of these time series. These time series have strong properties of cycles and periodicity. Practice has shown that in modern conditions, for example, for the Russian economy with its instability and financial crises, classical economic theory and statistics, built on linear models, turned out to be unproductive. Overview of approaches and economic-mathematical methods preprocessor analysis of evolutionary economic processes and the corresponding time series allows concluding the following: one versatile, satisfying all the requirements, do not possess the shortcomings of the method of analysis and forecasting does not exist. Each approach and each method has its advantages, disadvantages, limits of use. Most of the known methods of forecasting operate detected in the considered time series properties of cycles and periodicity. Thus, the mere presence of a pronounced cyclicity at different levels of the considered hierarchical model of the time series of the number of requests in a multi-purpose center are important indicators of the possibility of constructing an adequate predictive model number of requests in the multi-purpose centre
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abstract 1071503034 issue 107 pp. 484 – 497 31.03.2015 ru 1076
The article explores shift of emphasis in the Third Reich policy in the North Caucasus when agricultural resources of the region became the main object of economic exploitation and one of the most important source of Germany's food supply. Firstly the author shows the place the North Caucasus had in agriculture of the Soviet Union on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. Despite a relatively small area and population, the region played an important role in the production of wheat, corn, sunflower, meat and other products. It is emphasized that the region was of special interest to Germany primarily for its oil fields which allowed solving the fuel problems. But with the failure of Hitler’s "oil plans" the agricultural products became the most important revenue source for the German economy in the North Caucasus in 1942-1943. The author shows that for stable agricultural exploitation the occupation regime not only refused the collective farms’ accelerated elimination but also adapted them to harvesting crops and saving huge livestock. Using the pro-Nazi newspapers and archival documents, the author reveals the occupier’s methodology of action and propaganda by local supporters of the regime for a timely crops harvest. In conclusion, the results of agrarian policy of Germany in the North Caucasus are shown. This article is intended for specialists in the field of history and economics as well as a wide range of readers
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abstract 1071503035 issue 107 pp. 498 – 509 31.03.2015 ru 1115
The article is devoted to an actual problem of information systems’ security assessment and the importance of objective quantitative assessment results receiving. The author offers the creation of complex system of information security with system approach, which will be used at each stage of information system’s life cycle. On the basis of this approach the author formulates the general scheme of an information security assessment of information system, and also the principles of an assessment’s carrying out method choice. In this work the existing methods of a quantitative assessment based on object-oriented methods of the system analysis, and also the objectivity of the received estimates on the basis of this approach are considered. On the basis of the carried-out analysis, serious shortcomings of the used modern techniques of an information systems’ security assessment are allocated, then the idea of the scientific and methodical device providing the increase of objectivity and complexity of an information assessment means on the basis of expert data formalization creation necessity was formulated. The possibility of this approach application for expeditious receiving a quantitative information security assessment in the conditions security threat’s dynamics changes, functioning and developments of information system is considered. The problem definition of automated information systems’ security assessment is executed, and the general technique of protection means of information in systems of this type was formulated
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abstract 1071503036 issue 107 pp. 510 – 520 31.03.2015 ru 997
In this article we consider the problem of arbitration proceedings and suggest ways to address them. The peculiarities of the arbitration dispute resolution, allowing closer to understanding the nature and the legal nature of the arbitration court. The article analyzes the status of arbitrators in terms of law reform, the conclusion about the absence of common requirements that apply to this post. The attention focused on the absence of liability for breach of arbitrators order arbitration proceedings and the need to introduce. The article also highlights changes in the rights of legal entities to create permanent arbitration courts and analyzes the feasibility of such restrictions. Special attention is paid to the problem of creating "pocket" courts, which hamper the development of mechanisms for alternative ways of resolving civil disputes. A comparative analysis of established practices of arbitration courts in countries such as Brazil, Canada and the United States has been provided. We offer adding certain provisions of the legislation of these countries to the Russian legislation in order to improve the institution of arbitration proceedings. The authors highlight some trends in the development of the current legislation regulating the activities of the arbitration courts of relevance in today's economy
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abstract 1071503037 issue 107 pp. 521 – 533 31.03.2015 ru 874
The Krasnodar region has a leading position in the ratings of Russian regions in terms of entrepreneurial activity. However, its entrepreneurs face economic and institutional obstacles. In this article we have conducted a study of institutional rules under which the entrepreneurs in the region studied mechanisms to evaluate the behavior of market participants, the resolution of disputes, to adapt to unexpected changes. It was found that special attention to the state authorities and local governments in the region should be given to the formation and support of small businesses operating conditions as the main form of entrepreneurship. To ensure the conditions for effective development of small and medium-sized businesses, governments and local authorities of the Krasnodar region it has been proposed to implement a number of activities in their work: change the procedure for allocating Guarantee Fund issued guarantees for the region, to increase lending by this Fund; activate all channels of information support of small and medium-sized businesses on economic conditions and mechanisms for their support; develop tools available in bank lending, leasing updates elements of fixed capital
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abstract 1071503038 issue 107 pp. 534 – 562 31.03.2015 ru 1549
The article presents an analysis of the development of agribusiness and agrifood market in the Republic of Adygea. It was found that the reasons for reducing the number of cattle is a drop in demand of the population, the gap in inter-regional relations, the growing disparity of prices for industrial and agricultural production, insufficient state support to agricultural producers. We have shown a reduction in food production, the incomplete development of production and technical capacity of the food industry due to physically and mentally worn out production equipment, lack of working capital for the technical and technological modernization. It is established that the consumer market of the Republic of Adygea is mainly filled with agricultural products and foodstuffs produced by foreign companies, as well as producers of other Russian regions. According to the authors, due to the low level of agricultural prices and limited sales producers annually lose profit on sales. For many households in the region the direct access to the wholesale market is limited, which implies a decrease of efficiency of realization of their products. Price discrimination of dealers and brokers promotes decrease in profit share of agricultural producers in the final retail price of products. It was found that the production of food is unstable and the amount of products is significantly lower than consumption rates. The analysis shows a gradual increase in the volume of food products produced in the Republic of Adygea, except butter, sugar and pasta. Level of consumption for most products exceeds intra production, the deficit is compensated mainly by imports
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abstract 1071503039 issue 107 pp. 563 – 577 31.03.2015 ru 1061
The obtained experimental data show that the incorporation of trace elements into the system of the sunflower crop has a positive impact on the mineral nutrition of plants, the number and quality of the crop. Foliar feeding of sunflower crops with micronutrients improves nutrition of plants with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, thus creating the preconditions for the formation of highly agrocenosis. The seed yield of sunflower increased by variants with application of micronutrients 1.2-3.5 t/ha or 4.4-12.9 percent. The greatest impact of treatment with boron and copper, exceeding the background option 3.1-3.5 t/ha or 11.5-12.9% respectively. The crop is least influenced by manganese and molybdenum. The examined elements positively influenced the structure of the sunflower crop. The greatest influence on the diameter of the basket, the number of seeds, weight of seeds in the basket, the weight of 1000 seeds was provided by the zinc and copper. Trace elements contributed to the improvement of quality indicators of sunflower. For husk content, the greatest positive effect was cobalt, zinc, manganese and copper, increasing the background option 10.1, 10.4, 10.5 and 10, and 6%, respectively, on the oil content of sunflower seeds had cobalt, copper and zinc. The oil content on these options amounted 55,0, with 55.1 and 55.2%, respectively, increasing this figure by 1.5 to 1.7 %. The acid number at variants with boron, manganese and zinc was the same with the background option and amounted to 1.8. The greatest influence on iodine number provided molybdenum, zinc and copper, which accounted for 170,5, 171,2 and 171,4, exceeding the background option 10.2 and 11.1
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abstract 1071503040 issue 107 pp. 578 – 588 31.03.2015 ru 1052
The problem of identifying of the most promising polymer materials for sledge sliding application. The comparison of materials is given: the bench tests of polyethylene, fluoroplast, steel and ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) with different molecular weight and their composites are carried out. On the basis of research of polymeric samples on ice and snow friction in exploiting condition with the use of specially designed sledges was shown that GUR 4150 UHMWPE has the lowest mass volume and linear wear. Also in article the results of research of ice adhesion to different materials are presented. Adhesion research was carried out in low temperature conditions of air from -21oC up to -46oC and in cryocamera according method which was patented by Institute of oil and gas problems of SB RAS. The research showed that GUR 4150 UHMWPE has the lowest adhesion to ice. On the basis of obtained data the authors assumed that GUR 4150 is the most perspective materials for development of sledge sliding exploiting in Arctic conditions.